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Comments: 2

27.07.2024, 03:02

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Cthulhu fhtagn
Cthulhu fhtagn


Cthulhu fhtagn
Description: Horo kindly made me aware of the existance of this interesting freeware tool which generates ivy around object geometry. - look under tools and Ivy generator. It's not the easiest of things to get to grips with... and as you can see, my "ivy" has no leaves. This was a deliberate choice since I wanted to use IBL and IBL and lots of tranparent ivy leaves was looking like a fantastically slow render (the materials have to be modified in bryce if you want to use the leaves - set transparency alpha masks and rotate the map by 180 in y axis - if you want leaves). Here (sans leaves) I've also used Horo's test card hdr to provide the ambient light and the standard bryce sun for the main directional light. The model (such as it is) was made in bryce, grouped and combined - then exported to be picked up by the ivy generator where some time was spent tinkering with the settings - er... by "some time", I mean about five hours... did I mention that it is not the easiest of programs to get to grips with. On the plus side, it is free and also, very clever. Swings and roundabouts.
Added by: davidbrinnen
Keywords: davidbrinnen, bryce6.1, IBL, hdr, testcard, Horo, ivy, generator, Cthulhu, shrine, monument, Ph'nglui, mglw'nafh, R'lyeh, wgah'nagl, fhtagn, great, old, ones, deep, Shoggoth
Date: 04.07.2007 21:10
Hits: 9159
Downloads: 136
Rating: 1.00 (5 Vote(s))
File size: 213.6 KB
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 12.21.2006
Comments: 667

Nice model, good texture, good render, good lighting.

LOL I made 150MB Ivy object file. Bryce doesn't like geometry that is not Bryce made for some reason, the object was rendering at 24% of the CPU, because I ran out of memory.
Also, if you guys visited once in awhile you would have known about this program much sooner ;P
04.07.2007 21:19 Offline gat brshkv at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Magnificent looking construction! Excellent texture on the Fhtagn monument. Thank you too, David, for revealing the Ivy software here on I'll check it out. The vines seem very convincing. Maybe a higher resolution of the texture there will improve the final look of the image even more. The skies you use always fit perfectly anywhere in your works. The only change I would make will be to slightly tilt the camera pov angle upwards to loose the inevitable flatness of the bryce horizon.
04.07.2007 22:34 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Aye, Gat, I'm not much of a web surfer, I only visit a couple of sites regularly, this one and and use google images for reference. Richter, it might be the ivy model itself that will need attending to, the material used has no bump component so all the crinkles you see are geometry. You are right about the bryce horizon, for me bryce skies are becoming a real issue, now that we've got better light to play with it would be nice to have more realistic and 3D skies. One thing that I should mention, it foxed me for a while, you need to double click on your geometry once it is loaded to indicate where you want your ivy to start growing.
04.08.2007 07:54 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

This is an exellent example what the IvyGenerator can do. An interesting option is to let it grow on a simple cylinder, make the vines very thick, add the leaves and you've get nice special 3D trees. By the nature of it, they are rather flat but occupy about a half circle. If rotated appropriately, this isn't obvious and the shadows won't show it.
04.08.2007 13:51 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 12.21.2006
Comments: 667

Horo got a good idea, if you can put a couple of conels or cylenders in bryce to form a skeleton of a tree (or use latice) and then eport it and grow Ivy on it, you can get an interesting looking tree.
04.08.2007 15:39 Offline gat brshkv at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

Not to stray away from your image which is lovely, but how can one export obj files from bryce, i downloaded the ivy grower and wanted to try something simple but I do not know how to export objs. please help :)
04.10.2007 03:07 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Wow man, long time no see from jesuis. Exporting is simple, you just have to perform a boolean operation before you look to export. Any models you dont want officially glued together should be given their own material. Make all objects a positive and solid when boolean, then group, then collapse. Now you will see that you can export in whatever format you want. Nice to have you back bud.
04.10.2007 12:08 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

I haven't used Bryce in so long, ha ha, I don't even remember how to make things solid and collapse n' all that jazz. Wow, I should really get back into Bryce again. one more thing, this is going to sound really dumb seeing as how I used to do it all the time but, I forgot how to make things...I don't even know how to describe it but, like for example the ivy, when i add the textures all i get are what appears to be little square papers with a picture of a leaf on them :(. All in all I'll say again amazing picture David Its VERY cool.
04.10.2007 14:35 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

The [c] option is for 6.0 and 6.1 - if you are in 5.5 land then you can only export terrain mesh objects. In that case you might have to use wings3D to make your stuff. The issues with the leaves is easier to solve. Set the alpha channel for the texture component on transparent and ensure that the blend mode is blend transparency. Also as a side note, you will want to rotate the leaves 180 degrees in the y axis - that option in the texture editing menu. Otherwise the leaves appear to be on backwards. Pleased you like the image! Any further questions, just ask.
04.10.2007 15:28 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Jesuis, you've been in Carrara land for a while. Have you anything interesting to show?

Also, get bryce6.1 asap, the new hdr lighting feature really levels up what bryce is capable of, and 6.1 is far more advanced than 6.0. The hdri provides lighting that very closely mimics a basic GI. The lighting changes put bryce into a different league.
04.11.2007 16:32 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

I really haven't been in any other Computer software land, which is very unfortunate. I will have to look into this 6.1, even though I don't even have 6.0 yet ha ha. I just bought a 3000 dollar SLR camera and that set me back a lot on my hobby expenses. How much does this new Bryce run ?
04.12.2007 03:19 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

It would cost about $70.00. If you purchased your bryce 5.5 from daz as you surely did, you qualify for a reduced rate. There is no 6.0 anymore, it can no longer be downloaded.6.1 is all there is. Get 6.1, because when bryce 7 comes out with what they promise are "sexy" features, it may cost more than in previous versions. It's so odd to me to see bryce sold for a hundred dollars when it used to go for many hundreds of dollars. With tha new camera you bought, I bet you could produce some truly wicked hdris.
04.12.2007 14:13 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 09.06.2008
Comments: 138

12.01.2008 07:40 Offline t_bahles tahabahles at

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