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Cavern Exploration
Cavern Exploration
Comments: 2

27.07.2024, 08:40

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Descent Into Madness
Descent Into Madness


Descent Into Madness
Description: As I slowly emerge from the misery of one of those particularly nasty summer colds - that is to say I'm not yet fully recovered - I sit before my workstation once again to create another unique image to share with you all and assure you that I'm still out here. Just lying in bed suffering, not only from the cold symptoms but from creative withdrawal, I was just about to go crazy and I guess that's where this image came from.

This is another Rorschach-like test of the minds eye offering a view into a dark and sinister place full of.....well, that's for all of you to decide I guess. This was difficult for me to name but eventually I chose 'Descent Into Madness' because that's just about the way I felt when I finally had to get up and do something constructive.

All comments welcome.
Added by: spektyr
Keywords: Abstract, Asymmetric, Asymmetry, Darkness, Sinister, Madness, Mirrors, Reflections, Rorschach, 3D, Spektyr
Date: 09.16.2007 20:58
Hits: 3803
Downloads: 78
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 704.4 KB
Previous image: Rainbow Dimensions Version 5a

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 12.21.2006
Comments: 667

usually when I loose artistic ideas or desire to make art I just take a good brake away from it.
09.16.2007 23:45 Offline gat brshkv at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Nicely done. A bit dark, but there's nothing wrong about that. Funny, I perceive it as sort of violent, probably because of the angles.
09.17.2007 15:38 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at
tina gazcon

Join Date: 08.07.2006
Comments: 254

Nicely done Spektyr! Another great piece. I especially like the very center of the design. The colors are so intense there. I have been experiencing computer problems lately. ARGH! I hope to be back soon. In the meantime I'll just enjoy yours : ) !
09.18.2007 19:30 Offline tina gazcon pecasg62 at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Thanks to all!

As I stated in the description I haven't been well and it now appears there may be a problem with a recent change in my medication. Whether this is the whole problem or just part of it is unknown right now. My symptoms have shifted and I'm not feeing quite as bad as I did last week but I'm still pretty uncomfortable. I guess I just have 'Old Fogey Syndrome'. ;-)

I know what you mean. Sometimes taking a rest can clear creative blocks and help you get a fresh start. :-)

The darkness is definitely intentional and the aura of violence is a result of the frustration I felt at the time. A shift in the lighting would have created a brighter more colorful image with a whole different feeling here but, speaking for myself alone, I apply more of my own personal feelings to these images and at the time I was doing this one I felt almost like I was walking a tightrope over an abyss of insanity. I know how disturbing this must sound but it's the truth. It is said that the Universe and everything in it is a balancing act between opposing forces. Sometimes I feel the swing more acutely than usual especially when I feel physically unwell. This is essentially how I arrived upon the title I chose for this work.

Sorry to hear you are having computer trouble. This is another reason I wish we lived closer together. My computer experience began in 1974 with an early third generation 'desktop' computer that literally covered the entire top of the desk. LOL It had a whopping 32K of magnetic core memory, the first true non-volatile memory system, and served two ASR33 teletype machines that were its terminals. The it had no disk drives and the OS, a Basic programming language interpreter, was loaded via 8 level punch tape. I'm telling you this so you'll know that I'm a true 'Old School' computer geek from the days before Bill "Everyone has a price and that's why I've never been convicted of creating a monopoly over the computer software market or any other corporate improprieties" Gates ruined things with the largest and most destructive computer viruses ever created, aka. the Windows Operating Systems. To sum up, I'd love to have a go at fixing that computer problem for you but life has a cruel way of rendering desires such as this impractical. :-(

I guess all I can do is create some more interesting artwork for you to enjoy. I also have to write up those instructions for you. I didn't forget. I just got blindsided by this illness at just the wrong time. Call it Murphy's Law. I really do dislike that guy.
09.18.2007 21:34 Offline spektyr spektyr at
tina gazcon

Join Date: 08.07.2006
Comments: 254

Thank you! I hope you are feeling better. I have sent you some e-mails. I hope you don't mind. My daughter sends the nicest sayings and pictures. I thought I would share them with you. Kind of like a pick me up. Take care K!
09.19.2007 07:00 Offline tina gazcon pecasg62 at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

I got those emails. Thank you. That one with the deers was really cute. :-)

The one about drafting old guys like me is funny but the idea of a bunch of cranky old men with automatic weapons is frankly pretty scary. YIKES! The senior moment idea may just work though.

"Where is your secret base?"
"Uh.... Um.... Oh jeez! I forgot."

I guess I wouldn't have to worry about it since technically I already did my time back in the 70s. Plus, with my back? I wouldn't be good trying to lug a 150 pound pack around.

"Please Sarge! I really have to sit and rest for a while. My back is killing me!"

That would go over really well......NOT! ;-)
Anyway, thanks for the laugh. I'm still smiling big! :-)
09.21.2007 02:24 Offline spektyr spektyr at

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