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Lake Morning
Lake Morning
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10.05.2024, 18:26

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background test, Please Help
background test, Please Help


background test, Please Help
Description: Playing around with space background,
it consists of , an hdri made by me,a 2D picture with a very high transparency (compliments of the Hubble space telescope ),a volumetric sphere and Bryce stars. I think the 2D picture looks kinda fake, But i really would like some suggestions on how to do it better.
Added by: STKydd
Date: 09.11.2011 02:50
Hits: 4199
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File size: 347.6 KB
Previous image: Gold Sky, Green Ice

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

You have chosen exactly the right moment to ask the question, at least as far as me shamelessly plugging a product Horo and I have been working on for the last month... Deep Space HDRI

That being said, if you wish to do this for yourself, then I can also offer some advice - although, to be fair, I only know half the story, there are some bits only Horo knows.

Your first key consideration is the visible size of the stars themselves on your background. For the field of view of the scene they appear somewhat "fat". If you were to incorporate Bryce stars into your scene you might wish to use a FOV of between 90 and 120 degrees, depending on the aspect ratio of your document.

Again for the HDRI backdrop, finer detail is needed to give an impression of space. The high resolution ones provided by us, for example, have a pixel diameter of 3840. This is pretty big, but in any given scene, only a small proportion is visible, so the huge size is necessary. This is one of the reasons making these kind of backdrops is so time consuming.

And also, contrast, the backdrop appears somewhat uniform. This is also working against your for generating a feeling of space. So more dark void, with one or two "highlights" that actively take part in the image composition should help matters.

There are three recommendations to begin with, maybe Horo will drop in with some of his own later.

Hope those are helpful!
09.11.2011 10:27 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

David's advice is solid. Think about how small the sun appears in our sky, yet how its brightness affects us on Earth. If a light source is too large it starts to look as if it should have a visible impact on the items in the scene, which you want to avoid. I think we are looking at only a small section of a much larger background image, in a way similar to what David is describing with the high res hdri. If you could pull back the camera, let us see more of the empty space around it all it will feel more like space. Nice idea!!!
09.11.2011 17:59 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Bryce cannot handle the size of HDRIs needed for some scenes. So you have to increase FOV or reduce document size in order to get a sharp backdrop.

Space is mindboggling huge and mostly it is empty space. Your backdrop image is nice but no-one would be in such proxy to highly excited gas. So this needs to be farther away - say smaller. You need more than just one picture taken through a telescope to make space appear huge.

You neither need an HDRI if you don't need it a a light source. You can just wrap it around a sphere and put the camera inside. Either place a light source inside the sphere where also the camera is, or disable cast shadows on the sphere and use a white HDRI, made from a Bryce sky, to light the picture on the sphere from the other side - or use a large spherical dome light. This is an example:

You can also use the Hubble image on a 2D face but always remember that spase is generally empty. This is an example of a 2D face used as backdrop: and this is an old one

Faking HDRIs from LDRIs is not as straightforward as we would like. And I cannot tell you do this and that. Each project is a new challenge. If I get an acceptable result in 10 hours, I consider it was an easy job.

Nevertheless, what you're up to looks good.
09.11.2011 20:09 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 03.01.2011
Comments: 236
Thank You

Thanks to all , this is exactly the kind of feedback i need, also i am saving my pennies to purchase David and Horros Deep space HDRI pack.
09.12.2011 13:17 Offline STKydd dragonsbain at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Good to hear! You might also be interested in following this thread for some more involved hints and tips relating to this very topic.
09.12.2011 13:19 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 08.17.2010
Comments: 128


great scene and feedback...lots to learn from.

I many stars and gas.....but you can do anything you want if it's Sci-Fi/Fantasy.

Would also recommend having the ship inside the landing bay (coming or going so there's some shadow cast on the floor......(surface is too shiney, imho).

Would like to see the ship animated.
09.17.2011 22:01 Offline megacal cal at

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