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Flux Solaire
Flux Solaire
Comments: 3

17.05.2024, 05:00

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Tribute to David
Tribute to David


Tribute to David
Description: This spectacular sculture is an .obj
from David Brinnen's Bryce Pro Material Showcase 2, imported into Carrara 8Pro for animation.

It should be a 10 ton polished brass, aluminum, teak, cast iron, or crystal
piece hanging in the Royal Museum.
rotating 1 rpm!

It would be eye-catching anywhere
(I may create it someday for my garden, with David's approval & attributes =).

Animations (Carrara & Bryce) to follow. =)

ps-forgot to add that it seems to have it's own light source...David uses one of Horo's uber-hdri's for lighting and I guess it imported with the .obj (???) great! =)
Added by: megacal
Date: 11.27.2010 00:48
Hits: 3911
Downloads: 75
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 91.4 KB
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Well, how could I not approve? :)

And a plug. Indeed.

The hdri is there to provide a good set of reflections. The material properties employed in the product require the correct lighting to function. Which is why I supplied them in a scene rather than as a material package.

The model itself was made in Wings3D. Which I recommend for an easy to use subdivision modelling program.
11.28.2010 16:28 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 08.17.2010
Comments: 128

Hope you liked the use of your
Twisted Pan obj...I'm still a bit gaw-gaw at it. Inspiring.

4mb streaming animation

Something about it just captures my imagination...really worthy of
what I suggested above....I mean, can you imagine the awe one would feel coming into a large room with that massive sculpture, dramatically lit, and rotating slowly?

re: built into the .obj?
Is there a tut for doing embedding an IBL? It seems to be lit apart from the sun.

I enjoy creating metallic things
and putting them in barren places where they stand out and make you wonder what it is, who made it, etc.

So the Twisted Pan was a perfect subject.

Now if you could just get some famous sculptor to take it on as a project...... =)
11.29.2010 00:28 Offline megacal cal at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Yes certainly. The animation reminds me of the channel idents - at least back when I used to watch TV. Not had a TV now for... erm... over 20 years... (yes I see the occasional thin on I player. Mongrels - the best thing for many years)

Anyhow, to the point of IBL. I do not quite grasp this question about the IBL being built into the obj. The hdri is part of the sky. The obj is geometry - I think it can also include textures - so a tonemapped hdri could be mapped onto the object in theory - but that is beyond me. I've yet to get to grips with anything as complex as UV mapping (although wings3D does have this ability). I like to use Bryce materials, they are more easily recycled and modified.

Part of my formal artistic training was in sculpture (as well as pottery) - the former took up too much space since I lived in a one room flat at the time and the latter was too expensive to pursue (see comment about the flat).

Instead of bothering any famous sculptors, I'll ponder grafting this model into a real scene using the shadow capture techniques. Yes, thank you! Me and my camera will have to go out and look for a suitable staging area.
11.29.2010 08:53 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 08.17.2010
Comments: 128
re: IBL

The sculpture seemed to have more light than is from the sun, so I thought maybe you had somehow embedded
the IBL in it, wiz that you are. =)

BTW, downloaded Wings to see if it
would be a good modeler for me.
Have you used TopMod? Very neat free app...hope to do something with it, too.
11.29.2010 22:22 Offline megacal cal at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Funny you should mention TopMod, I was trying it only last week - it seemed to do many of the same things as wings, had a nice interface - but I just crashed it continually. So much so I gave up in the end.

Wings is more stable, much more stable on my machine. And rarely crashes without being provoked. Do something bizarre and geometrically impossible or highly complex then that is asking for trouble. Otherwise it is well behaved.
11.30.2010 00:42 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 08.17.2010
Comments: 128
re: Shadow Catcher

"I'll ponder grafting this model into a real scene using the shadow capture techniques. Yes, thank you! Me and my camera will have to go out and look for a suitable staging area."
Great! I'd like to see that. =)

BTW, will upload a flying saucer I did in C4D that
used an HDR (of St.Peters dome inside!) for the
skin and did a shadow on the ground.
11.30.2010 05:15 Offline megacal cal at

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