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Entering Hypespace
Entering Hypespace
Comments: 6

13.05.2024, 07:45

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Where did that come from?
Where did that come from?


Where did that come from?
Description: Wasn't going to post this here seeing I already have on Daz but then thought I may as well. LOL.

Someone said I should reduce the bump on things but didn't say exactly what things. I had actually taken it off the terrains originally but must have clicked it off again when I started fiddling around with textures so it could be that that's the problem. The sky is Rashad's HDRI and the shadows set at 90%. There is also distant blur but it doesn't actually look as though it's there.

Some people say the aren't enough shadows, but I can see them on my monitor which once again makes me wonder how much one's monitor settings effect renders because obviously if things look different on various monitors it makes it hard to understand what other people are actually seeing - if you know what I mean! LOL.

Anyway I'd be interested in your comments so thanks for looking.

Added by: JoAJ
Keywords: Landscape
Date: 08.28.2009 15:50
Hits: 3328
Downloads: 74
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 267.5 KB
Previous image: Reunited in spirit.
Next image: Run Bambi Run

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Great to see you did not forget to include

As I already mentioned, I love this scene. It is bright and full of energy. Open and serene, peaceful except for the unknown thing fying overhead.

Okay, so I know well this lighting rig used here as I designed it. After much careful consideration I once again arrive at the fact that the direct sunlight is indeed too dim compared to the brightness of the skylight hdri. For this reason the shadows do not seem as dark as they should. Looking at the base of the dog, I do indeed see shadows, a few bands from the hdri and the direct sun shadow. Just that shadow is not as dark as it should be. There can be a couple of issues. first, one of the problems with Bryce IBL is that the light intensities actually change at different quality settings. At minimum quality the individual few lights used are very bright and almost behave is mini suns, not as truly diffuse or evenly spread skylight. These concentrations of light lead to concentrations of shadows, thus banding. Okay, so for me you need to scrap the default sun, and replace it with a radial that will seem perhaps 200% brighter than the default sun. Make sure tha radial falloff is set to "none" and make the brightness of the radial minimal, maybe 10, will seem very bright with a fall-off of none. Or, you could keep the default sun, but dim the IBL by comparison, but this will lead to a situation where you might not be able to create the overall brightness needed. For this reason I suggest solving th problem with a brighter sun as a radial. Once you start with a properly bright sun, you will find your current diffusion settings are too high. Okay, enough about that.

Posing is awesome. in fact, the whole piece holds together very nicely and has a touch of realism to it. The vegetation is fantastic. The only issue I might observe is scaling. Seems the woman might be rather large and so are the dogs. From a compositional standpoint this is just fine, as the large size draws emphasis to the ideas you want us to observe.

Very good!!!
08.28.2009 16:40 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

I do appreciate that you show your work here. I prefer commenting here because this is a galery and over at DAZ, it's a forum. I can better concentrate on the artwork. More so, because it is shown on a darker background, full white somehow blinds the eye a bit.

I know others said differently, nevertheless, I like the material on the mountains very much. The whole landscape reminds me of places I've been. It's just the lighting I have a bit of reservations. The skydome light of Rashad's is very good, but it is - for me - definitely too bright. The main light should be the sun. It's probably the intensity of the ambient light generated by the HDRI that brightens up the shadows so much.

The sky colour - the whole sky - looks very nautral to me. The sun is quite high on the sky, judging from the shadows the dogs cast. The trees are excellent - all of them, and the water looks also very natural, considering the angle with which we look on the surface.

The baloon brings in some colour and the lady and at least one of the dogs looking at it. The poses are excellent and fit the scene well.

Again, this is a very beautiful and natural looking scene. The only quibbles I have is the ratio of sunlight and ambient light. No problem about the DOF, perhaps a tad more haze, but not mandatorily.
08.28.2009 19:53 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 10.21.2008
Comments: 113

Thanks for your comments Rashad and Horo - as always much appreciated. Unfortunately I think lighting is and probably always will be, the most difficult thing for me and obviously I miss things that you and others notice straight away - a case of keeping on trying I guess! LOL.
08.28.2009 21:34 Offline JoAJ

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

I usually see it in other's renders and miss it on mine. Yes, lighting is the most difficult aspect to get right but then, visual art is at least 50% about lighting.
08.29.2009 18:54 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 10.22.2008
Comments: 390

Great job Jo your work with people is really good!!
08.30.2009 08:31 Offline bullit35744

Join Date: 10.21.2008
Comments: 113

Thanks Trish.
08.30.2009 21:08 Offline JoAJ

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