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V-12 Soldier
V-12 Soldier
Comments: 2

10.05.2024, 16:55

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IBL Test
IBL Test


IBL Test
Description: Hey Guys.

This is just an IBL Test image with 3 crystal balls on modeled glass stands in red, grean and blue sitting on a polished marble table top using the default Back Porch probe.
Quality: 256
Intensity: 2
HDRI Effect: 10
HDRI rendered as background
It has a nice 'reach in and touch it' look. I wanted to use DOF to accentuate the crystal balls but I can't get the focus right.

This is just something I did to try and break my current creative block. It's been a bad one and my back hasn't been cooperating much either. I should receive the judgement from my recent SSD hearing soon and hopefully I'll get my benefits so I'll finally be able to move into my own place. Living with a couple of mentally defective slobs is tough because I refuse to live in a dirty house. Please wish me luck.
Added by: spektyr
Keywords: IBL, Still, Life, Spektyr
Date: 08.19.2009 03:03
Hits: 3827
Downloads: 69
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 394.3 KB
Previous image: IBL Test with DOF
Next image: Lantern 2

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Hey Bill - this is nicely done. I'm most fascinated by the reflections on the table. The low res HDRI works fine here. Just the part we see from the outside that gives away the low quality of the HDRI. The Back Porch HDRI by Keith Bruns appears to be a good choice for the subject matter. Great work.
08.19.2009 19:25 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 01.21.2009
Comments: 103

I agree completely! I find this ironic, for the simple reason of how HDRIs are made. Great work!
08.20.2009 00:35 Offline Anurin

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Thanks Guys.

I have to make a collection of hi-res HDRI probes. It would have been so much better with a cleaner background. I used the Back Porch as a quick selection since I couldn't spend that long working on this. My back starts hurting bad after a half hour these days and my mouse hand has been going numb as well. I'm not having a very good time lately. I'm too young for my joints to be so bad. :-(

It would be nice if DAZ would do a new Lightning client with multithreading for multiprocessor systems. 2.0b does multithreading but doesn't render IBL. It would be even better if they made it CUDA enabled so nVidia Tesla processors could be used. ;-)

If my SSD back pay is big enough I want to buy an Xi Computer MTower workstation and maybe one or two BladeRaider 1U servers with dual Xeon W5580s. I'm talking up to $25,000 here. This is a best case scenario of course. In reality I'll be happy to get the just the MTower at $10,000. 16 threads in a single 3.2 GHz system will be a lot faster than the 7 old clunkers I'm using now. I could also go for a few Core i7 975 EE (8 threads each) MTowers, factory overclocked to 3.7 GHz, which would be much cheaper but would take up a lot more space and generate more heat. Whatever the total back pay I get is I have a year to spend it all and I have to submit the receipts to show how I spent it. I can just see the eyebrows rise when they see I spent practically all of it on a few super expensive computers. LOL

Don't mind me guys. I'm just daydreaming here. hehe
08.20.2009 04:01 Offline spektyr spektyr at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

So far so good, Spektyr. You speak about DOF not behaving right. Perhaps you wanted the focus on all three balls and when you selected them and hit "Set to current selection" button some of them (if not all three) still "played" fuzzy. If that was the case - the reason is that Bryce takes all 3 balls and calculates an average value of their coordinates for the focus/defocus formula, leaving you with a maximum of 1 ball in focus while the rest are not. The solution is to tweak the lens radius below 0.10 to 0.05.

There's nothing wrong in daydreaming, Spektyr. It's always a nice thing to have more computational power. Remember though, back in the years a lot of great images were created with much less cpu power then you mentioned above. Talking about Bryce of course, combining IBL with DOF, especially with higher rays/pixel can slow down anyone. The good thing about not having a state of the art PC is that you're always driven to find workarounds, solve problems and that, buddy, can improve the artist's way of thinking & creating - personal experience. Good luck further, Spektyr!
08.20.2009 08:08 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Thanks for the pointers, Richter! To be honest this is the first time I played with DOF and I really didn't know what I was doing. It drives my render times up too much and I've been avoiding it like the plague. LOL

I hear what you're saying about slower systems inspiring cleverness in workarounds. My main reason for wanting a few fast systems is more inspired by a desire to speed up animation renders so I can start working on longer productions, that is if my problems will allow me to do so. I'm just pondering right now. I'll think about it more constructively if and when the time comes. There are no guaranties yet.
08.20.2009 16:24 Offline spektyr spektyr at

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IBL Test with DOF  
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Lantern 2


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