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Chalky Steps
Chalky Steps
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Living room6
Living room6


Living room6
Description: Hopefully this will show that I have been
listening to Rashad's teaching me lighting.I have tried to make it brighter by the Van Ruysdael but it kept washing out the colors so I left that part alone.
Added by: bullit35744
Date: 07.21.2009 00:25
Hits: 3250
Downloads: 68
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File size: 363.4 KB
Previous image: Taking Pride in Who You Are
Next image: Painted Sky

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 01.23.2006
Comments: 80

Looks nice, but the light by the window seems too bright. and the floor texture is a bit blurry. Other than that looks really good.
07.21.2009 10:00 Offline Alex_Quinn lone_wolf_wolverine at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Alex knows well interiors. I agree with her 100%.

We have been in correspondence over the last couple of weeks and I have enjoyed discussing interiors with you. I was a tad harsh in my latest email, hope I did not stress you out. Trish, I can indeed see that you are taking the advice from the emails to heart. Bravo and keep up the great work.

1. Very good choice of realistic colors. You seem to have made sense of the color saturation thing we discussed, that less is more in relation to color saturation. Using ctrl+alt+ mouse click reveals the digital numeric color picker, glad you are able to use of that particular color pallette to find realsitic saturation levels you can control numerically instead of estimations of the eye and mouse with the other color picker options. Very very good low saturation colors.

2. Your indirect lighting is pretty fantastic generally. Look at all the visible and highly plausible detail of the legs of the table, very good.

3. The room is well arranged as always from you.


In this case I will address the questions this render leaves me with.
1. The lamps shades look odd to me, very close to right but too transparent. Is there a light bulb in there and more importantly, are these lamps supposed to represent the direct lightsources of this room? If there is a lit bulb in there it should be visible through the shade fabric, which for me is a bit too transparent generally. If these are indeed the direct lights of the room then they should seem much brigher than the indirect light. Which brings me to point number 2.

2. Right now, there is no clear difference between your direct light and indirect lights, right now it all looks the same. remember the issue of storytelling. Light tells the story, telling the story efficiently and accurately is more important than seeing every detail of the render. Good well written stories have a clear beginning, middle and end. Same with lighting a scene. The story begins with your direct lightsources, and ends with your indirect lighting. The story must get a proper start if it is to have a proper end. Balance is the key, and emphasis. Not everything is of the same level of importance when telling a story. Some details are essential, others are not. So for me your indirect light is far too intense, it could not possible be the result of your direct lights, which I still do not know what they are. Which brings me to point 3.

3. Maybe the lamps are not intended to be direct sources afterall, maybe you intend to portray light entering through the window as "direct" light. Right now I am very confused because you have not done a clear enough job of making sure I cannot mistake a direct light for an indirect light or vice versa. Notice how in all of the test scenes we worked on, I have always made the direct lightsource very clear and obvious as the direct light source. We need to see the heat of the direct source, and you need to lower the intesity of your indirect lighting a great deal compared to now.

4. As Alex wisely observed, the floor texture is superb, but rather low in resolution. You should add some noise to the image in photoshop to make up for some lost resolution.

Lastly, I will say kudos to you, Trish, for having the guts to tackle this issue as you have. It takes a brave individual to share their work with another user and to allow the other user to make revisions on your work and then to share those revisions with you. Not everyone has the guts to have their work torn apart as I have done to yours. You have been very humble and because of it you are learning alot and the results are obvious in your newest works. I commend you!

At this point I think you have a clear understanding of the lighting concepts, you just need some time to play around with it and to make sense of it for yourself. Keep up the great work!
07.21.2009 19:54 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Great job, Trish. I don't mind the burned-out window, that's what a photograph would show without using the flash or without taking multiple shots for an HDRI. However, the light on the ceiling near the window doesn't fit. An there are funny lights on the sofas, evidently radials to even out the lighting. Perhaps use an inverse gradient to get rid of this effect.
07.22.2009 16:23 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Apart from all that's been said about the techincal side of this image, I'd like to stress on the compositional side more.

The frame color and the curtain-rod have the same texture pattern, although it is too saturated compared to the rest of the room and the pic frame itself seems more reflective then it should be. If this is a "metal surface" that you wanted to recreate, keep the reflection lower and the specularity relatively high.

For this size of the walls and the height of the ceiling, the painting you're showing us needs to be much smaller. This painting is almost "choking" pressed from the ceiling above. In fact, the thickness of the frame plays an importaint role in this. Two options for you - (1) lower just slightly the size of the painting and use much thinner frames or (2) rescale the whole thing drastically and place more framed paintings.

The sofas seem on the larger side also. You may want to position a character for a scaling reference until you get the room- and the furnutire size right.

Lastly, we have a very rich in details and objects painting, but the room it's positioned in seems rather "unequipped" for the matter. So having in mind the ceiling, painting and furniture re-scalling corrections, Bullit, see what else you can put in this room so the balance of the composition is right. I often even play with the camera's angle of view to compensate for the room size, although one has to be careful not to go overboard with it (AoV).

Keep it up, it's working well so far, with few more improvements it will look incredible.
07.25.2009 11:50 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 03.21.2009
Comments: 183

Great color scheme, I really like the whole scene. I was going to try creating a scene kinda like this, but I lost my patience really fast. I guess the only other thing I would like to say is, I would have made the picture a bit smaller. Also, I'm puzzled about the shadows on the ceiling, they just don't seem to fit with anything. Oops, found something, is that lamp sitting on something? Lol.
07.25.2009 17:54 Offline Rebel64

Join Date: 10.21.2008
Comments: 113

I like it as well, never tried an indoor scene myself - good one Trish!
07.30.2009 03:53 Offline JoAJ

Join Date: 10.22.2008
Comments: 390

Thankyou all....One of these days,weeks I will get this
08.01.2009 15:12 Offline bullit35744

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Taking Pride in Who You Are  
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Painted Sky


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