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Comments: 6

12.05.2024, 14:10

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Method 5.31
Method 5.31


Method 5.31
Description: A minor revision on the method (using the same remix as my last image). Some serious thought had to go into where the "real" light source was in this image. In the end I settled for four flattened spots Rashad style, to represent the square on the floor in the reflection. A big spot for the main light in the final image. And the random cluster for the ambient. Because of the darkness I had to increase the gamma on the alpha channel in the filter this I did with Paint Ship Pro8. Final image took about three minutes. The ambient 15 the reflection an hour. I tried to add the effect of dust in the air with a pymarid of dots in the window to the ground. Not entirely convinced of this, but the scene looks like it is missing something without.
Added by: davidbrinnen
Keywords: davidbrinnen, bryce6, 1, indirect, 5.31, elephant, DAZ, model.
Date: 06.08.2008 16:02
Hits: 3502
Downloads: 75
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 370.0 KB
Previous image: Facing His Fear of Water
Next image: Method 5.3

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Looks good, the shine from the brightly lit floor to the oliphant is very nice and looks diffuse as it should. That small very bright spot on the leg from direct light makes this lighting setup very plausible. I would have gone for something like Frozencry's light rays instead of the pyramid.
06.08.2008 16:38 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at
Render Man

Join Date: 11.10.2007
Comments: 358

This is looking better but I still wonder about having some kind of comparison point. For example how do we know how the light really acts in this scene unless we have a real live visual aid. If could be a matter of ones perspective. Yesterday I went hiking up at Zion National Park. I was observing the shadows from the sun which at a slight angle and the shadows were hard shadows on the mesas. If I was to post a scene to mimic this someone might say I need soft shadows. What is reality and what we think it should be sometimes is not the same.

When I look at this scene above I personally would say well there should be more light in the room reflecting of the floor, wall and from the particles you tired to emulate. The back side of the elephant is still dark in comparison with the light coming in from the window. But then again I am not sure as we would need a similar real life scene to compare it with.

I would suggest trying to find a picture of a room that has the lighting effect you want to copy that would be easy to make in Bryce and then make a set up and then compare to see how close it is to the original. Light is not always predictable as it will vary under different circumstances.
06.08.2008 18:02 Offline Render Man alreich_4 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Horo, I did try Frozencry's streaming light but... it was a bit too overpowering, or so I felt, for such a simple image. But yes, that was my first idea.

Render man, thank's yes, I agree, that's a good idea. I never really intended to make this scene or any in fact, I was just trying some things out after sharing a revision with Horo. Previously, the light source has been directly accessable from the room. Here though, the light sources is most definately the reflected light on the floor because the distant sun through the small window is just not sufficient to light the interior of the room on its own. Mostly though it's about incrimental steps towards some kind of reproducable technique. Of course each render can be tayloured to suit, but the method should at least offer a good starting point.
06.08.2008 18:27 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Hard shadows in nature are not truly hard shadows when viewed up close. Hard shadows are a mere construct of Bryce and computer software to save time. Point lights do not exist in nature and therefore neither do pixel perfect hard shadows. Soft shadows is always the way to go the question is only in how soft. Horo and I have discussed this before. What you will find is that the farther the distance a shadow travels the softer its edges become due to interference and light scatter. If you see hard shadows they will only be in very close proximity to the model the shadow softens with distance. In the case above the shadow falls from a good distance away, the shadow would not be nearly this hard.

Thanks for trying the spotlights. I think they are working extremely well and it looks like the render time was not too bad either since you used very few lights. No complaints from me. It is always difficult to make these scenes because of the dynamic range limitations of renders as opposed to real life. I could imagine you could increase the bounce light levels a tad as the logic of the light is already there. Again I think it comes down to thinking in exposure times. But for the me simulation you have provided works very well. The light must come up from underneath and spotlights do that very well. I think the scene is a sucesss.
06.08.2008 19:40 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

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Facing His Fear of Water  
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Method 5.3


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