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Comments: 5

09.05.2024, 18:06

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Livin' Large Again
Livin' Large Again


Livin' Large Again
Description: So much the same yet so very different. I hardly know where to begin.

Compositional choices are all retained including camera angle. A few added details in the sofa pillows.

Rendered Premium AA 64rpp with Soft Shadows and Blurry Reflections. Total render time 3hr 47min.

Most notable changes are the soft shadows, much lower texture color saturations, and lower light color saturations. Also, I removed the reflection values from the walls and the like and it reduced the render time substantially. Also gamma correction is disabled creating a much better light quality and shadow depth. The higher rpp has worked wonders reducing the noise present in the original.

In the way of artistic expression I think the first version may have an advantage due to the higher color saturations. But in the way of realism this version is surely better.

A link to the original is provided here:

Thanks for your time. Feedback is appreciated.
Added by: rashadcarter1
Keywords: rashadcarter1, bryce6.1, psp7, truespace4, maya
Date: 05.09.2008 17:18
Hits: 6338
Downloads: 135
Rating: 3.00 (4 Vote(s))
File size: 744.7 KB
Previous image: The Factory
Next image: Facade II

Author: Comment:
Render Man

Join Date: 11.10.2007
Comments: 358

I like this better than the other the soft shadows. As you mentioned this has more realism. How many lights do you have in this living area?

Very impressive and has a warm atmosphere and much cleaner than my home. Does anyone live here?

Great work with the lighting. Did you place the radials in the light fixtures?
05.09.2008 22:15 Offline Render Man alreich_4 at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Thanks Render Man. Originally I used the lamp shades as filters for the radial lights. This quadroupled the render time because the radial lights were interacting with the transparent lampshades sending out light and shadow rays at the same time and it was a waste. So this time I was smarter. Instead of wasting energy on filtered light I just used radial and two spotlights one facing up and once facing down. I then disabled the shadow casting of the lamp shades. This created the effect of a naked radial as far as illumination was concerned so I lowered the intensity of the radial until it matched the dimness of when it still interacted with the lamp shade. I then used the spotlights to create the impression of the open areas above and below the lamp shades that would be much brighter than the area that "appears" to be passing through the shade fabric. Does this make any sense?

I was interested in placing humans and likely will someday but for now it is more of an magazine cover type of scenario. It is much cleaner than my home also. A bit of dirt would surely add to the realism. Now that the render time has been reduced to hours instead of days I might make further changes sometime in the future.
05.09.2008 23:45 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at
Render Man

Join Date: 11.10.2007
Comments: 358

Interesting use of spotlights and yes I do follow what you are saying. The radial gives the affect that there is light in the shad but the spotlights are lighting from the top and bottom. I understand what you are saying about disabling the cast shadows. Very good idea. What about the lights handing from the ceiling. I would guess they could be spot lights and then radials next to the wall to create light reflecting from the wall.

Not sure what to make of the ceiling fan upstairs as it does not seem to be casting any light down into the room mostly on the ceiling. Did you put a radial in the light glob on the fan?

From this perspective it is hard to see the hall way between the window and the wall but I am sure it is there.
05.10.2008 00:33 Offline Render Man alreich_4 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Oh, much cleaner render. The brickwall on the first one looks so noisy. This one is indeed more natural but - the old one is more dramatic. If both pictures were photographs, I'd say this one had the camera's white balance set to artificial light and the old one to shadow or overcast. Those floors really tend to get very yellow when usual light bulbs shine on it. I've noticed this when I experimented with spherical HDRI panoramas in my working room.

One small inconsistency: the round windows show a daylight sky and the windows below it are very dark (though I can see there's something outside the one at right). However, great improvement as far as render cleanness and reality are concerned.
05.10.2008 09:28 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

So much improved due to the lighting and the softer shadows, yes, that's my opinion too! For a bryce-render this is 6/5. But since this is an improved(ing) version I'm to be a bit more critical about it, because I feel this is gonna look perfect in the end.
1st - there is some very annoying shadowbanding from the banister on the wall next to the fan and the wall behind this fan. Those are unmotivated shadows in my opinion and would appear only if someone had positioned a bare lightbulb in front of the banister. The same goes for the wall with the round windows and the right side of the column - too much banding, is it coming from a secondary source? If so, you should ballance them a bit more and hide some shadowcasting.
2nd - textures and materials - well I said before that all are very good and well chosen. You now have decided to apply the brick-tex on the central column. I think the scaling of this texture has to be equal everywhere in scene - the wall behind the bookshelves, the column and the wall on the right seem to have different material scale. The level of bump is right on, though.
The banister and the bookshelves are almost as thick as the tables, which is in contradiction with the fine-designed smooth shapes of the objects, placed in the middle of the tables. My attention is mainly directed to the banister, as it needs to be thinner, metalic with maybe blurred reflections. I like the round windows and the smaller (traditional) ones with the curtains below, but I'm not completely sure if you have to mix the both design styles in one place. In your previous version the round windows had this very neat reflections that I miss here, those were helping for additional depth of the image. I agree with Horo about the difference between the light-coming through the both sets of windows.
The sofas I want to sit on, sadly that's impossible. They look comfy, Rashad :) There's a minor thing with the polycount, reveiled by the shadows, more smoothing there. Now, if it is a nighttime, even with so many light sources inside the house, the scene still shouldn't be that overly lit. I sit in front my older CRT and had to brightened it up to see things correctly. But if I lower the brightness and slightly crank up the contrast a bit, I'm looking at different picture - both figuratively and literally :) So overall I can suggest you to do exactly that - lower the brightness in PSP and experiment with a bit higher contrast values.

Since this is a Bryce render, aside of all picking above this one trully deserves 5/5.
05.10.2008 12:28 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Thanks for the feedback.

Horo, the windows are curious and likely it is because I disabled the sunlight which meant that there was no light for the ground plane which should be visible through the lower windows. Thanks for explaining the camera filters as I did not think of it in that way regarding color balance.

Richter, the models are still chunky and likely this will annoy David also and I really should address those issues at some point. Thanks also for the post work suggestions as it does look better to me with gamma lowered to about 80% of its current brightness.

I agree that there are annoying shadow bands and for the life of me I cannot tell why those have not softened out. Something is surely amiss. I have double checked all of my lights. I want those bands gone.
05.10.2008 18:45 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

I would not say annoy, but the chunkyness is at odds with an otherwise elegent set up. Mostly everything has been said, so I will settle for congratulations on a clear improvement on an already good image. If I were going to single out any one thing for ammendment, in terms of most improvement for smallest chance, I'd suggest contemplating the ceiling colour to something lighter. I don't feel a dark ceiling is very appropriate for a home interior. But maybe that is the modern thing?
05.11.2008 21:10 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

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The Factory  
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Facade II


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