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Opposing Worlds
Opposing Worlds
Comments: 1

18.05.2024, 05:14

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Borg Killer in action 1
Borg Killer in action 1


Borg Killer in action 1
Description: Ok. Here's a starter image showing Borg Killer Torpedoes approaching targeted Cubes and a sizable explosion, with debris chunks, showing the destructive power of these puppies. I?ll be doing a couple more images with perhaps adjusted mats, further mods to the torpedoes, a visual effect as a torpedo penetrates a Borg deflector shield, and one showing a torpedo decloaking before impact. I want to try and render a Borg Cube as it starts to break apart at the moment of detonation. That's going to be a serious challenge but it should look awesome in a battle scene. I think I'll try an image or two in Carrara so I can take advantage of the Motion Blur and other effects that can't be achieved in Bryce.

Oh what the heck! I'll just go nuts with this idea and do a feature film. ;-)

All suggestions welcome.
Added by: spektyr
Keywords: Borg, Star, Trek, explosion, Spektyr
Date: 04.30.2007 14:53
Hits: 3392
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 660.1 KB
Previous image: Borg Killer Command Node/Launcher

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Way to go, Spektyr! The explosion in its center looks amazing! I can almost feel the heat there. The sides of the expl though might need some work. Maybe you should add a sphere surrounding the "Boom" with a little of the David's plasma, which works all the time in such fire-like effects. The torpedo has improved due to the well chosen material. The Cubes have a detailed material too. I just wish to see more cube pieces flying, but this isn't a qualm at all. Keep it up!
04.30.2007 21:26 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Thanks. I'll have to try that plasma idea. I want to create a better explosion. For a first try this one looks pretty good.

As for the Cube pieces, it was pretty tricky trying to chop uo a cube into chunks for a random dispersal. I want to try and create one that's just breaking apart at the moment of detonation.

Wait until you see the command node image I just sent in. I hope it gets posted soon.. I'm also doing work on the Hawking. I added a recessed deflector dish in the lower hull bulge and I'm trying to work out some shuttlecraft bay doors in the rear of the main hull.

My inner Trekkie is just getting warmed up. ;-)
04.30.2007 21:42 Offline spektyr spektyr at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

I agree with Richter's comment. So far so good. The center of the explosion is of the whiteness it needs to be. Thinking like Horo, I find myself wishing for more chaos in the explosion, that is at present perfectly symmetrical. It needs to be less regular. The edges also need to blend in better with the background. But you know this already.

To me an explosion in space will look much different than an explosion on Earth. On Earth there is plenty of oxygen to create fire. In space there is no gas available, so very little "fire". Blue is hotter than red also, so to add power to the expolsion I would go the blue route and not yellow. The only gas around is that which was inside the spacecraft, and it would be limited. I guess I was expecting a less gasy explosion in space. Remember too not to use white light sources. White lights are highly unrealistic. The explosion would gain legitimacy with a yellow light source at the center since the gas itself is yellow and in reality casts light. The other borg ships should have a yellow or orange tinted light striking them from the explosion. When you change the explosion to blue it will look amazing with blue light sources striking the other models.

This is a first draft and it has me very excited indeed. The material choices for the torpedo are great, though I think you are advanced enough to uv map the ship. You can be very specific. If you don't already have uv mapper then get it and give it a whirl. It's free and easy to use.

I am so in love with this theme. Keep it up please!!!!
04.30.2007 22:59 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Yeah. I see what you mean about the explosion. I started thinking about what an explosion in space would really look like. This one looks like something that you'd get in an oxygen rich atmosphere, way too much red anyway. The white illumination you mention is actually from sunlight and I saw that as a blooper after I posted the image. I have to work on details like this and get a better feel for them.

I haven't yet gotten really serious about my work yet. Until now it's been just a hobby that serves as an outlet for my creative self, which I've sort of held back for a very long time. Now I'm starting to feel like just letting it loose and see what happens. LOL

Thanks for the compliments and advice. Maybe I'll go for some formal training on 3DS MAX, Maya, Lightwave or all three. I'd love to put together an animation for Odyssey Productions and see if they'll use it on a new vid.

It's nice to dream, isn't it?
05.01.2007 00:50 Offline spektyr spektyr at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

I agree with what has been said already. You are definitely on the right track. Keep it up.
05.01.2007 15:57 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Thanks again!

This theme really has its hooks in me. I've been kicked into 'Design Mode'. LOL

Much more to come. ;-)
05.01.2007 16:24 Offline spektyr spektyr at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

The explosion is really good, I don't know if it is technically correct, maybe it is rather too "full on" but the effect is excellent no matter what is right or wrong. Otherwise, I have to agree with what has already been said. Keep up the good work!
05.02.2007 19:20 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Thanks David. A variation of that explosion may do really well on an Earth Based image. I'm thinking now that an explosion in space may look more like a blinding whie or blue/white flash. I've been trying to simulate an event with a super bright center that gradually fades over a large distance but I can't seem to figure out how to do that in Bryce. Scientifically I really don't think you'd see a visible shockwave but there would be the expanding gas cloud, which I can probably do a convincing job on given the time and experimentation.

I do like the wy I have that bright white area in the center of the explosion. It took a bit of trial and error before I finally settled on this one. Like richter said, it 'looks' super hot there. ;-)

Right now I'm doing a lot of work on the Command Node. Wait until you guys see it. No more dull gray/white hull with no details. This one's going to be loaded with all kinds of antennas and instruments with a dozen torpedoes mounted around it. It already looks like something out of a SciFi movie and I'm not even finished yet. LOL
05.02.2007 20:57 Offline spektyr spektyr at

Join Date: 06.23.2007
Comments: 73

I like the explosion
06.27.2007 11:46 Offline miklos

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Borg Killer Command Node/Launcher  
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