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Comments: 5

17.05.2024, 05:56

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White Nebula
White Nebula


White Nebula
Description: It's been a while since I made an outer space image. This is my favorite category.

A fleet of ships patrol the south end of the phenomenon known as the White Nebula. It is a gigantic cloud of water vapor that over the next few hundred years will condense into a group of asteroids and then eventually into a small moon. Made completely in Bryce5.5. More fun with volumetrics. Hope you all enjoy it.
Added by: rashadcarter1
Keywords: rashadcarter1, cloud, white, nebula, star, space, spaceships, bryce5.5
Date: 11.06.2006 05:38
Hits: 6598
Downloads: 0
Rating: 2.00 (8 Vote(s))
File size: 305.8 KB
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Join Date: 11.02.2004
Comments: 123

oh my god.... those volumetric clouds are sooooo amazing. they almost remind me of the kind in the Dreamworks opening logo, where the boy is sitting on the moon in the sky filled with puffy clouds.
those clouds are so realistic in fact, that i actually felt a bit cold when i first looked at them. almost as if i were all the way up there myself:P
the ships are really very nice as well. to have modelled them completely in bryce 5.5 is astounding. (I cant even model a ship that good in software specifically built for modelling). they look very sleak and the textures, as simple as they are, go very nicely on them.
i haven't commented on anything on this site in a while (been sorta busy). but i couldn't pass up on this one.
very nice work

5/5 for some excellent modelling, for some amazing usage of volumetrics, and for a peaceful looking scene
11.06.2006 06:35 Offline romtin_erfani yillfog at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Ah - I'm sorry, but this one doesn't make me happy. Every single part is beautifully done: the volumetric clouds, the fighters, the stars, the sense of 3D. They just don't fit together. A blue sky of a planet with an atmosphere is what I would expect.

We associate nebulae in space with glowing ones in many colours. The spectral colours from the exited elements contained within. Of course, we've never been that close to such nebulae to say for sure it couldn't look the way you depict here. So let's put it this way: my expectations are not met.
11.06.2006 07:56 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Yes Horo, once again you point to the issue I struggled with the most. The color levels had me going back and forth alot. I agree 100% that the spectral colors must be represented. I actually produced two versions, one mostly white, and the other a bit more color saturated. In the end I uploaded the less saturated one for a couple of reasons.

Water being made of hydrogen and oxygen has a distinct spectrum as you mentioned. I know that hydrogen clouds usually glow red. I'm not quite sure what color an oxygen cloud would be, but I imagine it would probably be toward blue.

The images we see from Hubble and the like are subjected to contrast, gamma, saturation, sharpness, and a whole other list of enhancements before we ever see them. Nebula clouds probably don't really look that way to the naked eye. My assumption in this scene was that upon close real life view, a nebula cloud should be much less colorful than what we see in magazines. In this case I went with just a slight hint of purple, to represent the spectral colors of red and blue as the atomic constituents of water. Naming it the White Nebula doesn't help the case any. In truth the image is slightly purple and could have been named purple nebula just as easily. I'll see what the other feedback is and if need be I will upload the more colorful version.
11.06.2006 08:59 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Oxygen is green, if I'm not mistaken. Don't heed my remarks too firmly, Rashad. There is always art and there, everything is permitted that can convey the message - or to throw the viewer out of his/her conventional thinking patterns. Obviously impossible things or stark contrasts may very well serve to unsettle the mind enough to act as catalisator for new thoughts. In this way, art becomes a very exiting experience, a mind opener.
11.06.2006 09:15 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Yes, I think you are right about the green color of oxygen. I knew it had to be a higher energy than hydrogen, closer to blue than to red.

The thing to remember is that in this case this nebula is very small. It is not some multiple light year wide star nursery. This giant vapor cloud would probably be at home in the asteroid belt in between Mars and Jupiter. This nebula will eventually become a moon, and nothing more. It does not have enough mass or free roaming hydrogen to ignite stars or even to excite it's own molecules as dense hydrogen clouds can. This nebula can only reflect light, which would also cut down on it's saturation.
11.06.2006 09:34 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Clouds look great, and the contrast range across the entire render is dramatic and striking. Compositionally it is a bit higgeldy piggeldy, so while the overall effect is good there is not much to retain the perception within the image. And I have to agree with Horo, it does not strike me as nebula... my first impression was of planetary clouds. A great image though.
11.06.2006 09:39 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 05.07.2004
Comments: 242

I don't know... water vapor usually turns to ice pretty quickly out there, so perhaps a cirrus-like cloud would be more appropriate? Stars look very flat and lifeless, volume haze would maybe add depth.
11.06.2006 16:24 Offline LitoNico LitoNico at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

Hand down one of my favourite images on here. Its definatly up there. Now with the thing about reality versus imaginality. It's art. Art is Art

Love it
11.06.2006 21:38 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at
tina gazcon

Join Date: 08.07.2006
Comments: 254
Way out!

This is nice. I dont feel comfortable doing space yet. I'm just getting the hang of landscapes. Your clouds look so soft and real. Did you get my e-mail? If so you can reply here. I'd really appreciate it. Thanx!
11.07.2006 23:04 Offline tina gazcon pecasg62 at
tina gazcon

Join Date: 08.07.2006
Comments: 254

Thankyou for replying to my request. I know I can learn alot from you guys!
11.08.2006 14:07 Offline tina gazcon pecasg62 at

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