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Gaia's Gate
Gaia's Gate
Comments: 2

06.05.2024, 09:00

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Keys to a beautiful mind. (Minimalism)
Keys to a beautiful mind. (Minimalism)


Keys to a beautiful mind. (Minimalism)
Added by: dali54
Date: 10.26.2006 01:10
Hits: 3519
Downloads: 103
Rating: 3.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 541.0 KB
Previous image: least for now!

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Not maximal, but still there could be less.
10.26.2006 08:47 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 01.24.2005
Comments: 22

Art is the demonstration that the ordinary is extraordinary.
10.26.2006 17:44 Offline dali54

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610
focus and intention

Good. There are no particulary stirring symbols this time as in some of your other scenes. No skulls, no death, I commend you!! It is alot simpler in that respect. I think that you are searching for a balance of how and when to insert symbols, a move in the right direction.

Though I appreciate the minimal complication, I feel that the title of this scene is not realized within the scene. I see the keys literally but I don't see how they relate figuratively to a beautiful mind, nor do I see the significance of the desk. I may be bold in proposing but i think the desk throws us off. I find myself judging the desk literally, instead of elevating my perception to the plane you are speaking to me on, figuratively. To me, the scene is not quite minmal enough. Some keys and maybe one other element to represent your mind would tell your story better.

I respect your work a great deal. I've been thinking alot about your recent submissions and the various feedback you have been receiveing. Each scene is unique of course, but in general I've noticed a thread or pattern that I will share with you.

To me, a piece of art is actually a story. A story, is actually a math equation. Like a math equation a story or piece of art is the sum of it's various contributing parts. In the end art makes sense and affects us only when it's elements combine properly and add up to the proper sum. If the elements don't add up, they will not effect us as you intend for them to, if at all.

Each scene we produce needs to be able to stand on it's own as an individual and complete work of art, meaning in your case that each scene should have it's own unique set of symbols. Why insert a symbol or element into a scene if it doesn't help to tell the story of that particular scene? I say this only because I recognize many elements repeated in your scenes such as crystal balls, dead trees, etc.. I appreciate these things as signatures of your work, but on the other hand they may also confuse the situation within individual scenes sometimes, as they may not relate directly to the subject matter of that particular scene. Sometimes your favorite symbols are working against you.

Each scene is actually a math equation. Each scene should have the exact information within it to answer all of our viewers questions and keep them interested until we finish making our inevitable point. Approaching scenes like math will give you a backbone for deciding what to keep and what to discard, and your work will automatically be properly minimal. As in it will have no extra elements placed there as "inside" commentary. Set yourself free from the limitations of your current symbols and express more of yourself. Let us see more of your beautiful mind.
10.27.2006 05:34 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

A mind that can make a sphere hoover without actually being there is a beatiful mind - well, perhaps also a mind that scares. Otherwise, I'm also not very much exited about this one.
10.27.2006 08:52 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

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