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IBL workout
IBL workout


IBL workout
Description: Or perhaps some pun involving the weighting for the render to complete... This image was made entirely in B6 (without postwork) using IBL and the beach_probe hdr. It took about an hour to render and the same time to make and the same again fiddling with the lighting. Here, to get the best out of the light, particularly to get a bright backdrop to be reflected by the metal, the intensity and effect were set at 100 and the materials applied on the primitives "toned down" to about a 1/4 of their origional diffusion value, also the reflection values had to be cut substantially to allow the soft ambient shadows to show up. This incidentally is rendered at "zero" IBL quality, higher levels of quality produce less shadow banding but also incur (as you might anticipiate) a greater render time penalty. In the tests I've performed, as with light domes, the IBL works well with fairly plain materials that are not excessively reflective, it does not handle transparent materials well in term of render time and volumetric materials are really troublesome.
Added by: davidbrinnen
Keywords: davidbrinnen, bryce6.0, pun, fun, IBL
Date: 10.21.2006 21:49
Hits: 4019
Downloads: 107
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 162.3 KB
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 01.24.2005
Comments: 22
Very Nice!

You have great command of lighting and composition your ability to create realism is spectacular.

I like your work but, some how they seem cold and still.

My hats off to the great technician!
10.21.2006 23:27 Offline dali54

Join Date: 05.07.2004
Comments: 242

IBL looks very nice.
I don't particularly like te background, though that's down to just personal taste.
In disagreement with dali54, I'd say this one looks warm and still. But... just how lively do weights get? Otherwise, agreed.
Incidentally, can we see some glass done with IBL? Though you did say the render isn't fond of transparency... perhaps I'll render some glass when I get 6. The Intel version is coming out January 07 (according to the DAZ forum), which is good but annoying.
10.22.2006 00:49 Offline LitoNico LitoNico at

Join Date: 01.24.2005
Comments: 22
Constructive Vision

Have you ever made comparison of two paintings one grandiose and the other small and poignant, yet the small poignant one for some reason seems much more grand.

Art to the multitudes is subjective.
Art to the artist is where we grow!
10.22.2006 01:21 Offline dali54

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Very nice, very nicely lit. Excellent tiles. But when you have tiles with rounded corners, why not let the grass sprout out there instead outright through the tile? To be realistic, the tiles must be cracked where the vegetation broke through. Otherwise - excellent and I like the pun.
10.22.2006 06:06 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Thanks. Yes, I don't tend to go for much emotional content in my images, mostly they are about physics and light - or the physics of light...

I was not sure about the choice of tiles, I tried carpet but that seems a bit "noisy" for this subject and was too competitive. I was going to have just the grey tiles but that left the whole image rather grey so I added the grass to introduce some colour... I tried to line it up on the joins in the tiles... but the one on the right has missed slightly. A crack for the grass would be an improvement certainly... something to consider, but in this instance, I was attempting to cobble something together using just B6 and nothing else and in a limited time (a limitation placed on myself) otherwise there is a temptation to tinker for hours tweaking things around.

Compositionally I was looking for something self-contained and balanced. I was not looking to distress the viewer or engage them emotionally with the scene.

For now, the challenge of realism remains, but one day, it will be just a few clicks to produce a photo-real rendition of whatever is desired... this will change things considerably for us digital artists, moving us further from technical considerations and deeper into the realms of composition and content. Dali54, to me, represents the antithesis of what I aim for in my own images. And it is possible that as a result of being more focues on "the message", his work will stand the test of time better than my own, as my own challenges tend to revolve around finding the limitaions of the software and hardware I have.

I don't think there is any "right way" to do things with the software, just ways that are more or less efficent to get to where you want. The most important thing is that we enjoy what we are doing.
10.22.2006 09:57 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610
soft shadows, diffuse light

Interesting commentary so far. I tend to find myself approaching things similarly to David. Most of my own art is merely a justification to explore some sort of technical challenge toward realism. The truth about realism is that it is math, pure math and in that sense very cold by nature. It is made warm only through our appreciation of it.

As far as the warmth of the color ranges in this image, the IBl definetly has an effect that I can recognize. There's perhaps a sort of pattern developing, as the effect seems like it may have limitations. Something about this one feels like the previous outdoor one, as the ibl corrects colors, but in the same ways every time. Is this the same ibl as the last one?

Physics. As I am a shady kind of guy, I'm curious about the shadows. Shadow softness and depth are basically the results of the "directness" of the light affecting the objects. Notice the way shadows fall very very softly on a cloudy day with no direct sunlight. Based upon the shadow softness in this pic it looks like a cloudy day somewhat. The softness and extreme lightness of these shadows suggests the lighting is that srikes the objects is very even and indirect with only a slight intensity bias toward the direction of the sun. There's alot of light seemingly coming from other directions illuminating the shaded areas, so much light that the shaded areas are only a shade or two darker than the illuminated areas. It doesn't fit completely because your specularity and reflections seem to indicate direct light. Based upon the specularity and reflection intensity the shadows should be slightly deeper, darker, and less soft. There may even be some ambient channel expression at work on the tiles and wall causing them to appear slightly flat.

As an excercise in ibl, this proves to be a question of balancing the different effects of ibl, mostly calculation of shadow softness and lightness, ambient expression lessons, Funny you mentioned carpet because I feel like the scene is lit more as an indoor scene. An indoor scene in an outdoor setting perhaps? The image has a very "studio" feel to it.

Great work overall of course, as goes without saying in your case.
10.22.2006 14:34 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

It is the same .hdr as the last and probably the feel of it stems from that and the present limations of the IBL system. Hopefully this will change as the feature evolves over time and more .hdr's become available along with a working knowledge of the system. There is plenty of scope for "discovery" and "research" in this new feature along with "hair pulling" and "teeth gnashing". All part of the fun!
10.22.2006 15:19 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610
question for David

Did you ever have a chance to see my Afternoon By The Pool image in the Still Lifes section? We had spoken about it in e-mails as I was having issues with the sunlight. I'm curious what you think of the final result and what effect you imagine a .hdr or ibl could have had on it. I will get B6 when they finally supply vouchers for the 5.5 users at 39.95. Till then, no .hdr's for me, but as you are experienced with bryce's hdr system, your feedback is greatly appreciated on this matter. Thanks in advance.
10.22.2006 18:29 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Rashad, Aye the Afternoon By The Pool is very impressive. Given the right .hdr I believe the lighting could be improved - in fact, your comments supplied with the image anticipate the need for a better simulation of ambient lighting. Given the large area of water (tranparent material) it could take a long time to render. It is not an instant solution, from my own experiance, it is possible to spend an hour just tweaking the levels in the IBL lab. However, since it is clear you have the patience for such, I have no doubt that you could significantly improve the lighting.
10.22.2006 21:36 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Most impressive render! I was so amazed by that rendering that even didn't saw what Horo pointed out - the "missing" cracks. IBL surely works effective, there's no question about it. I can only imagine what kind of renders are to come from David in the future.

Now, I seem to have a little problem with B6, I managed to import all of my materials and objects from the 5.5 version (copied the Presets dir) but wasn't that lucky with the skies. I read all of the Known Issues section and the only info about this, was some kind of changing in the hierarchy structure of files. So the full usage of IBL is still unavailable option to me. Other then that, I feel as a Newborn thanks to the complete 100% usage of my dual core cpu during rendering. Thank You DAZ! David, if you're reading this, would you give me a hint 'bout the skies? Thanks in advance!
10.28.2006 19:14 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Hmn... skies... well, this is what worked for me, I selected the "user" catagory and used the import option to bring in the .bsk - the only issue I had with it was that they loaded in backwards. IBL though, depends on finding compatable .hdr files and loading them via the IBL tab. Yes, the IBL is effective, no doubt, but it is not as easy to use as I, and perhaps others, would like.
10.29.2006 13:45 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

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