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Psychodelic Saturn
Psychodelic Saturn
Comments: 2

04.05.2024, 01:21

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Colony Series - Battle for Nerakh-Taar
Colony Series - Battle for Nerakh-Taar


Colony Series - Battle for Nerakh-Taar
Description: Done. Two months of work completed. Except the aircraft (br5 primitives) all of the units were modelled, rigged and posed in Maya. You already know the flying Carva Fighter and the Infector. The new black ones are called Scorps (I'll post close-render in the future). The creation of the V-12 Soldier took me the first month of working. I'm happy, because I was able to achieve everything I had in mind, from the 2D sketches to the 3D environment and the after-FX. 99% of the textures used are bryce-made, every single rock- and volcanic formation done in Bryce Terrain editor. Earth-cracks seen here and there along with the dust/ashes behind the runnin units on the battlefield is the only postwork in PS. Thanks for watchin'!
Added by: richter
Keywords: colony, series, battle, nerakh, taar, richter, carva, core
Date: 10.06.2006 20:04
Hits: 3839
Downloads: 146
Rating: 5.00 (5 Vote(s))
File size: 548.7 KB
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610
I'm speechless.

WOW WOW WOW WOW! I really am speechless. Simply amazing. Very cinematic and very dramatic. I love everything about it. It fills me with awe. A true masterpiece. 5/5!
10.06.2006 20:44 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Looking at what you do does not actually help to encourage me to upload anything at all again. The proficiency and labour you exhibit here are hard to match, even to come close. I am really awed. This image depicts great violence and evil. It is not only the richness of detail, you've also catched the atmosphere giving you only a 5/5 is almost an insult ...
10.07.2006 00:36 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610
your lighting

Excellent lighting. It looks like you too have found a way around overuse of the ambient channel. Did you use secondary light sources instead of ambient, cause it looks like you may have? The light wraps around objects much like a GI simulation similar to what I employed for Afternoon By The Pool. Please reveal a secret or two as to how you lit the scene.
10.07.2006 05:19 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Thank You very much!
Yes, Rachad, no ambient expression was used. But only the default sunlight bryce has to offer is (was) never enough for me to lit a scene appropriately. So you're right, a second light source was positioned over the near group of soldiers and another by their right side (behind the cam). A real sunlight spreads everywhere no matter the time of the day (morning, noon or afternoon) so in order to simulate that, both secondary lights' intensity is very low, just enough to help the trick and they cast no shadows. End of story :) Same applied to a part of the Scorps.

P.S. The Haze has a lot to do with the lighting but this is still an experiment I'm working on.
10.07.2006 15:20 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610
the difference is very noticeable.

Thank you for the confirmation. The difference between ambient expression in the materials lab and true secondary light sources is profound. The sense of depth and realism is markedly higher in these scenes that skip the ambient and use lights. Thank you for again proving my point. Ambient is not convincing compared to secondary lights. I've been speeching on ambient abuses for months and I thought people didn't get it, and most don't, but you do.

Notice how the secondary lights pick up the contours on the undersides and sides of everything. The light literally follows a natualistic gradient. Ambient expression on the other hand, does not pick up any countours or reflections or bumps, just uniform color information which is inadequate and flat looking. With ambient, you loose specualrity , bump, and everything else in the shadows because ambient doesn't "interact," it just glows. Secondary lights kick up the amount of "Interaction" by picking up spec, bump, and filling in the shadows with information.

Now that you have used this lighting method, you will probably always use it as the results are trully superior. This scene is well built and all as Maya does that very well, but the way you lit this scene in bryce is what "realizes" your work.

I use a 4 point lighting scheme that is rigged to an entire sun replacement system that I call Global Illuminator. First I built a box sized 99999x10 along each axis ( don't ask me how, it was painstaking at first) to give me a supersized playing area and unprecedented centering of the camera. The lights are set up so that a strong sun is at north and weaker lights are at east, west and south repectively, all linked to a hidden sphere at the center that can be positioned to follow the sun in the sky lab. These lights are all positioned as far away as possible while remaining perfectly symmetrical. This way the primary and secondary lights are always in the right position relative to the primary light source, as controled by the sphere or sun dial placed at the world center. The main light source must cast shadows, while the secondary lights do not cast shadows and as you mentioned they must be much much much weaker than the primary. When my website is up officially I will post a tutuorial on achieveing professional lighting in bryce. Excellent work. It's nice to see that you too have discovered "the method."
10.07.2006 19:24 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 12.11.2003
Comments: 451

That is incredible. Great work!! Holy crap. wow. Awesome
10.13.2006 14:49 Offline Nightst4r nightst4r at

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