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Chamber of Death
Chamber of Death
Comments: 7
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05.05.2024, 11:39

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Hermits Bridge
Hermits Bridge


Hermits Bridge
Description: Huts, birds, python, palm trees and hermit (Victoria) walking over the bridge are from DAZ3D. The rest is Bryce 5.5, the bridge was modelled in Bryce as well as the waterfalls.
Added by: nibor
Keywords: hermit, birds, python, snake, gorge, bridge, waterfall
Date: 09.27.2006 16:18
Hits: 4884
Downloads: 139
Rating: 4.50 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 227.2 KB
Previous image: Colony Series - Battle for Nerakh-Taar

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

You've catched the mood of a tropical forest very good. Maybe there's too much haze applied but there could always be another more bigger waterfall causing the foggy appearance. Speaking of waterfalls, yours are naturally looking. You'll just have to smooth the edges a bit more where the near river starts to "fall". Lastly the python lacks of shadow (or I can't see clearly one) and that makes it look floating. The mood here was the most important for the img and you've achived it well. The other tiny things I'm sure you'll handle easy enough. Good work.
09.27.2006 21:19 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

5/5!!! Your work is always striking. I can tell that your images receive a decent amount of forethought. Your images are always composed well. You set goals and reach them. That is awesome. As is this image is fine and makes perfect sense. If you want to take it to another level, you can probably do it with a few small changes.

Richter's comments are very appropriate, especially about the haze, which needs to be pulled back no matter how much nearby falls there may be. This amount of haze is good for a forest fire or other temporary heavy pollutants. If there woukd be alot of haze from falls, it should thin out at higher altitudes as we get further from the waterfalls, like a gradient effect. I dealt with haze issues in the paradise scenes I uploaded here so I know what I'm talking about.

Remember that water is affected by gravity and will always find the lowest point. At the edge of the foreground fall where the water starts to go over the edge, I can see that a low resolution terrrain was used. The terrain bumps at the edge are a bit too high for water affected by gravity. I think you would be better off with a flat terrain surface that has bumpiness and waves in the materials lab, instead of solving the water's bumps in the terrain lab as you did here. From far away your current arrangment looks fine, but up close, it's not as effective. Also, try testing out cloud materials for the falling water. Sounds crazy but in most photos, water in waterfalls doesn't look at all like water because the water is very turbulent and foamy. I've seen many waterfall scenes on this site and I've always wanted to mention this very common oversite. You are not the first or the last brycer to take the term "waterfall" too literally. It's more like a "foamfall."

Lastly is the grass. Bryce has many material presets for terrains, but none of them provide you with true 3d grass as the foregound of this scene needs. The grass in those presets looks like moss at best from up close. You solved it somewhat by adding a few blades of grass here and there. The file size increases so much when more blades are used, so I can see where you stopped yourself before getting carried away with it. There are ways though to use the spikes option in the terrain lab to give you the grass you need in the shape of your mountain but you will need high resolution terrains to make your spikes (blades) seem thin enough to look like grass. Forgive me for once again writing too much. I hope you find it useful.
09.28.2006 03:01 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 12.11.2003
Comments: 451

That is the coolest scene I've seen! Great work, love the colors, love the atmosphere. Great setup!
09.29.2006 21:18 Offline Nightst4r nightst4r at

Join Date: 12.16.2003
Comments: 24
nice layout,but

same as rashadcarter1 has mentioned but not in so many words,just remember these three things: mats,tex,and lights. when used properly , anything is possible. you already have POV on your side.keep it up.
10.02.2006 00:41 Offline tonkin

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

I have the feel of a bright and merry place. The atmosphere has something of your 20'000 leagues, just the colour is different. As tonkin said, you have the POV. I have no quibbles about the mist - almost fog: it looks just as being a very humid place here, the waterfalls have not much to do in this. Half an hour after a tropical rain, perhaps? The foreground somehow looks a bit coarse. The snake seems indeed be floating and where the waterfalls drops is a bit of a problem. There could be rocks underneath, but the water looks transparent for boulders to shine dimmly through. The palms could have been placed a bit less regularly. Minor quibles to a great picture.
10.05.2006 00:32 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 05.19.2005
Comments: 15

Tnx guys for all your kind and good meant comments. We try to improve and your peer reviews are an essential part to this goal.
10.08.2006 04:10 Offline nibor nibor at

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Colony Series - Battle for Nerakh-Taar  
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