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Sampler of Proximity Field Surface Objects
Sampler of Proximity Field Surface Objects


Sampler of Proximity Field Surface Objects
Description: Subtitles: "Not a polygon in sight", "Procedural procedural objects", "From MetaBall to MetaForm"

Hey i am the new kid on the block.

Took me a long time to get this uploaded because the instructions as to the maximum size of files one can upload for both the main file and the thumbnail are incorrect! 1920 x 1920 and 250 x 250 respectively as indicated by the control panel will not upload because they are too big!

Out of my "Ideas Notebook" i offer twenty-five ideas for different kinds of PFSOs based on different artistic concepts and made with different Brycegamido procedures [developed during a period from 2008 to 2012]. These are only a very small sample of what can be done with PFSO Modelling. I suppose the number of different models that can be made in PFSO Modelling Mode [the third of the 3 major modelling modes that Bryce offers - see bottom section of this text] is virtually infinite. I can imagine thousands of different organic forms - aquatic flora and fauna, fish, insects, plants, reptiles, dragons, animals, etc., etc.

These twenty-five samples, whilst of little artistic merit, may be of interest to Brycelings who aspire to do some real Bryce organic modelling. Download, zoom and scroll to study in more detail, then adapt the ideas you like to what YOU want to make. Most are not too difficult to understand [how they were made]. But be warned: knowledge and skill are required to make SOME of them.

The maximum number of "MetaBalls" you can have in one object is about 20,000. That is assuming Bryce is running on a powerful 4-core 3 GHz computer [most of us have these days] with Large Address Aware.exe [at least 4 GB of RAM] and ONLY using Material WITHOUT active texture channels. If you are using Materials WITH active texture channels [ABC etc.], try to keep the number of "MetaBalls" to 6000 or at most 8000. You can make very good models with only 2000 to 4000. Always store finished models in User.obp. NEVER duplicate them inside a Bryce scene, instead always load an instance from User.obj, convert to bounding box display and then copy and paste matrix into placeholder objects. That method can save you days of waiting when you are working on MegaScenes with many MegaObjects!

If you want to see much more elaborate examples of PFSO work, then Google up the work of Michael Frank. This link reveals some of his views on Bryce as well: .
Franks’ Bryce Modelling Work in particular is awesome and should be inspiring for everyone getting into Bryce organic modelling.

OK that’s it.

Comments are welcome. Also welcome are how-to-do-it questions. I will answer them all. You can address individual images for discussion by matrix address. Cn, Rn [Column number, Row number]

There is no copyright on my ideas so please use them if you like them and enjoy.

For those curious, a description of Brycegamido follows - otherwise skip the following:

BryceGamiDo means "Bryce Folding Way". "Folding" in this context means creating complexity from simplicity [as with fractals and also it is what happens when you fold paper repeatedly]. Brycegamido is a parallel art and science to the art and science Origamido [Modern Origami]. In Origamido elaborate 3-dimensional models are folded from single 2D sheets of paper [or other material including laser scored metal]. The paper can be any shape to start with, but cutting into it is not allowed. So similarly Bryce allows you to create complexity out of simplicity. Many other 3D programs work the opposite way. With them you create simplicity out of immense complexity. LightWave 3D and Maya are two good examples of tool sets of greater complexity than most of the objects one needs to produce for great works of art. Only if one needs to make a model of say for example a real jet fighter with hundreds of thousands of precision parts ready for simulation and then production in a real factory or a realistic human with working bones and muscles who when animated and rendered is indistinguishable from a real human actor, are such tools of any advantage [indeed they then become a necessity]. But Bryce is not like that and that is perhaps why it remains very popular with artist.

To better understand what i mean with my Origamido BryceGamido comparison, check out the work of modern Origamido artists and mathematicians:

Brycegamido and Origamido both require of the artist to work under formal restrictions and demand 3D visualization ability, topological intelligence and some basic mathematical skills. We could say Brycegamido is a form of Bryce purism, but purism with VERY wide scope [in fact it has infinite scope]. So long as one uses ONLY Bryce, Windows Calculator and some paper and pen, EVERYTHING one can invent within Bryce is allowed including the recursive use of Bryce [as in Bryce Compositing]! By making new conceptualizations and inventing new Bryce procedures whole new worlds of Bryce modelling open up to us. The only price we pay is time, intellectual effort and learning to manage our natural impatience.

My conceptualization of Brycegamido includes BRYCE Modeller which has 3 Major Modelling modes [if we ignore for now such tools as Bryce Optical Image Processing, DTE, Sky Lab, Volumetric Cloud Slabs, Tree Lab, etc., etc.].

These modes are [in order of Bryce development]:
(Mode 1) Displacement Map Modelling [using the "Terrain Editor"] which came with Bryce 1.
(Mode 2) Constructive Solid Geometry with Boolean Set Operations [CSG-BSO Modelling] which came with Bryce 2.
(Mode 3) Proximity Field Surface Object Modelling [the so-called "MetaBalls"] which came with Bryce 5.

The combination of all 3 Major Modes in Bryce 7.1 allows us to create anything we can imagine as well as much we can't imagine just yet!

Have fun with Bryce.
Added by: KinemagiK
Date: 04.20.2013 15:12
Hits: 5611
Downloads: 97
Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 1.7 MB
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 10.22.2008
Comments: 390

What can I say but WOW!! amazing art and some great ideas for new experiments thankyou so much your work is awesome!!
04.21.2013 01:26 Offline bullit35744

Join Date: 07.07.2012
Comments: 29
Thanks very much

You are very kind, Bullit35744.

My work is just what i love to do and have done for over 15 years.

You have probably heard stories of very wealthy people giving up their wealth [perhaps to charity] and living a simple life of a recluse.

I have given up Maya and Lightwave [both of which i had mastered] and decided to retire with simple old Bryce. I don't know how much money i have spent on upgrading high end 4D applications. I have spent over $10,000 on upgrading Lightwave alone!

Bryce by comparison is free. I don't care if there will be another development cycle for Bryce or not! I don't care if most of the bugs will never be fixed. Most likely they won't be fixed. I know how to get around most of them and i can create anything i want with Bryce.

My work is NOT awesome but Bryce IS awesome [ as is the wonderful; community of Brycelings who do work that inspires me every day].

My "job" [as i see it now] is to help people see the FULL potential of Bryce and make FULL use of it.

I know most Brycelings who post their magnificent work here do in fact see this or at least have intuition that it is so. I am just adding a few more possibilities and nudging them on a bit.

Have fun with Bryce.
04.21.2013 13:53 Offline KinemagiK pbudarick at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Very impressive modelling. And good information too! As you might have already detected I am prepared to use software other than Bryce, either at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. But as a challenge, it is interesting to see what can be done in Bryce alone.
04.22.2013 17:27 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 07.07.2012
Comments: 29
Thanks David

I appreciate your kind remarks.

I am now working on a Bryce-ONLY Dragon. It will be pose-able and animate-able. It will be interesting to see what i can do with Bryce alone. For me it is a very big challenge and i am not sure i can do it.

I have always wanted to build a Bryce-ONLY Dragon. I will use my knowledge of Lightwave and Maya to build a skeleton and than attach PFSOs to it. I have developed some cool linking and targeting systems for Bryce as well as my Bryce Spline systems.

I have tested them today and am very pleased with the results. It is so important to be able to bend forms in Bryce in an organic manner. My only fear is that i will run out of memory.
04.23.2013 12:35 Offline KinemagiK pbudarick at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

First I want to say that I am so glad you are uploading onto I will eventually get around to commenting on all of the experiments you've posted so far. These examples above are all incredible. Thanks for sharing!!!!!! Keep them coming!
04.27.2013 19:12 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Welcome here Peter-Gene. It is good to see you here! Excellent and stunning examples. Tell me, are these models based on your extellent instancing tutorial?
04.28.2013 09:04 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 07.07.2012
Comments: 29
Thanks Rashad and Horo

A very kindly welcome i must say.

For Horo: No these models are not based on the tutorial on your website. These Objects use [ for the most part] Bryce Splines and Attractor Object Modelling. These methods allow you to also morph the objects after they are made. Some of the splines are 2D spline sheets which can be folded in 3D.

Info: Splines are just chains of linked Proximity Field Surface Objects
04.28.2013 13:43 Offline KinemagiK pbudarick at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Welcome, Kinemagik.
You show many interesting examples indeed. And you're probably one of the most accomplished pfso modelers I've seen so far. It is because of people like yourself - creative and innovative guys in their methods of creation - Bryce software is still around. I wish you pleasant stay and many successful projects ahead.
04.28.2013 14:12 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 07.07.2012
Comments: 29
Thanks for your kindly welcome Richter

I love Bryce very much and even if there are no further development cycles i will still be using Bryce for many purposes - such as designing my Swiss style model railway layout.

Yes many projects i have but unfortunately no time.

And then there is the Bryce Dragon Project

I must have a look at some of your work on this forum. I have not done so yet. No time!
05.05.2013 13:48 Offline KinemagiK pbudarick at

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