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Comments: 3

27.07.2024, 02:46

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Under the Jacarandas
Under the Jacarandas


Under the Jacarandas
Description: Jacarandas are blooming all over the place where I live at the moment. I'd love to have been able to get the trees closer to the real colour, as it was I used a photo of the flowers and this was the closest I could get.

Before anyone comments, I'm well aware that the window frames are too bright but can't for the life of me find the meshes to change that - it's a Meski freebie house by the way.

The sky is an HDRI - think it was one of Rashads files that I fiddled about with, but then again, I'd also fiddled with one of my own, lost at least 3 renders due to crashes and now I'm not sure what's what!
Added by: JoAJ
Date: 10.19.2009 21:53
Hits: 4398
Downloads: 76
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 343.3 KB
Previous image: Good Morning
Next image: Dreamland 02

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 04.08.2005
Comments: 197

Nice work, I like the grainy feel to it. The grass and the trees are just awesome. the dog in the background looks a bit odd though.
10.20.2009 02:30 Offline FoxBoy Schlechter_Fuchs at

Join Date: 10.21.2008
Comments: 113

Woops, looks as though I've inadvertently uploaded the wrong render and that probably came about because I've several that I saved. The one here certainly looks grainy so I'll see if I can upload another one - not even sure if you can do that!!!
10.20.2009 03:10 Offline JoAJ

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

The one at the DAZ galleries is probably the correct render. The grainy feel has its charm, though. The dog has a funny pose, it made me laugh. The pos of the lady on the bench is very plausible. What I like most are the blossoms or leaves lying about the tree on the ground. This is a beautiful detail. I also like the background. And the trees are fantastic. We have again an overcast sky and the subdued shadows make the lighting quite plausible. This is really very well done. The park bench was acquird yesterday, it's so clean, not yet weathered. But this is a minor thing.
10.20.2009 19:29 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 10.21.2008
Comments: 113

Guess I should really have reposed the dog, think maybe it needs to go down a bit perhaps but I won't be playing around with it again.

You'll just have to assume that the park bench was just repainted! LOL.

And also Horo, you're quite right it should have been the render I put in Daz, thought it was actually, but anyway......LOL
10.20.2009 21:16 Offline JoAJ

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

This is a very accomplished render from any aspect. the lighting is espeically good, I feel, it accurately represents the physics of the situation. Whether you used one of the samples I sent to you or one that you discovered on your own, you were wose to chose an hdri that would not carry a high degree of color saturation, as a strongly tinted hdri would not look right here. the posing is again excellent, at least in the case of the woman seated. The dog, made me laugh too. Looks like he is doing pilates or something, some painful Zen stretch of some kind. I'm just teasing. No, you are well aware that the dog seems odd. I do not often see dogs with their front legs outstretched and hind one also unless they are stretching or jumping through the air. If I remember there are some stock poses for the millenium dog.

The color of the leaves is the real show stopper here. Clever use of ground level leaves. The vegetation models used here are first rate. You may need to offfer up a confession as to where some of these trees came from, including the tree the pilates instructor is strethcing out underneath.

The ground texture seems to display edges, are those seams of some sort? It is sunbtle, other swise I must say I really like the ground texture. Perhaos if you edit the edges it will tile seamlessly.

And yes, the girl seated there is a definet hottie!
10.21.2009 08:15 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 10.21.2008
Comments: 113

Thanks for your comments Rashad, I really do appreciate the help you guys give!!

O.K. now firstly, from memory, the dog is just a Daz stock pose, I really should have posed it properly myself but it's also perhaps a little too high.

I'm pretty sure that sky is from one of those files you sent - not my own one - but I did change the clouds, colour and a few other things, not sure what off-hand and it is probably the first time I've actually tried to mess around with one of your files! LOL. Again, from memory, I think the one I made myself some time ago from Horo's tutorial was too dark and I couldn't really get it looking right, mind you, it's hard for me to tell now as I lost several of my renders completely due to crashes!!

The leaves or perhaps I should say the flowers are tubed from a photo of a Jacaranda that I took (mind you, the "real" Jacaranda flowers are a whole lot nicer than anything I can emulate!!). The tree in the foreground was an arb. but the others were just Bryce trees.

The ground cover flowers are just the tree buried in the ground.

As for the terrain, it was one of David Brinnens but I'm not sure which one now. Don't know why there's a seam through it, I haven't been able to find any reason whatsoever, it's only a ground plain after all.
10.21.2009 21:13 Offline JoAJ

Join Date: 07.31.2008
Comments: 328

Such a lovely picture. even little "unnaturals" (for example the pose of the dog;) are making it even more charming. Very good composition, and the whole mood of the picture.
10.22.2009 19:28 Offline Alexandr sashama at

Join Date: 10.22.2008
Comments: 390

Lovely Jo how do you get hair to look so nice???
05.28.2010 16:15 Offline bullit35744

Join Date: 08.31.2012
Comments: 241

Reminds me of my trip to Australia, the Jacaranda's where flowering at the time.
She looks like she needs company, paint out the book and paint me in.
09.08.2012 16:06 Offline StuartB4

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