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Spielerei (Dalliance)
Spielerei (Dalliance)
Comments: 1

27.07.2024, 00:30

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Battle on the High Sands
Battle on the High Sands


Battle on the High Sands
Description: Rendered for the July Bryce Challenge Sporting and Teamwork over at Renderosity.

Lit with my usual outdoor lighting rig.

Another installment of realistic Bryce volumetric cloud planes.

Foregound palms modeled in Carrara and placed here for all to download:

This was fun. The net is too low, I wanted to see her face without her being 20 feet up into the air. Perhaps they decided to play with a lower net on purpose, I will ask them when the game ends.

Feedback is most appreciated. Thanks all for your time
Added by: rashadcarter1
Keywords: rashadcarter1, bryce6.1, truespace, Carrara, DazStudio
Date: 08.04.2009 17:35
Hits: 6191
Downloads: 87
Rating: 3.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 531.8 KB
Previous image: Elegance in Motion

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 03.30.2007
Comments: 394

Wow the first comment. Cool. The people look really good, their positions and expressions are very well done. Personally, I like the low net, it would be very helpful for me. The only thing I would change is the net size and the pole size. They seem to be a little bit large. Overall it is awesome.
08.07.2009 17:23 Offline connorzelinsky connorz16 at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Fits its theme 100%, Rashad. This setup is very well put together. As Connor, I too find the posing of the characters to be convicing, but less so the sand beneath. The far back has no issues, right here in front though it looks more like limestone surface. Because of this tense game the "deformation" of the sand surface ought to look more like smoothed mini-dunes/ hills then mini-mountain range, hence the limestone look. The sky with its beautiful clouds is less saturated then it should normaly appear. It might very much be a matter of personal taste, then a technical remark. The monitor also plays its part.

The background I believe is based on the new trees' tutorial, right? Really nice and Real distribution! Over time the lighting rig applied becomes your proven trade mark ™ and assurance for quality results in such sunny scenarios. I know it has been discussed already but having in mind that it is all Bryce (when so many said GI was nearly impossible in Bryce), puts you on a very distinctive and honorable artistic level!

p.s.: Even if I didn't know that the red color is more appealing to you, this image shows who (potentially) scored this point :)
08.07.2009 21:56 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Thanks guys! This scene was more of a quickie. I had fun with this one, I admit. There are definetly some flaws, but for some reason they do not drive me as insane as errors usually drive me. I got lucky with the clouds too. Richter, you make a very good point about the sky color. I had recently been playing around with the idea of increasing the saturation a tad, so your comment confirms my thoughts.

I have always felt that realism should be easy, not hard. Once invented, the wheel should function reliably without the need for reinvention at every turn. At this point it is all beginning to come together. But it really comes down to computer power enabling me to do most of what I realy feel I should, instead of having to resort to shortcuts to save time. I hope that soon more people will have the processing power to realize their scenes more fully in terms of lighting. More to come. thanks alot!!
08.08.2009 05:41 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

The first impression is very good. However, looking a bi closer, I see a few things that are not fortunate. The sky is impecable, and I have no qualms about the sand nearby as richter - which only tells that we perceive things differently, not that I'm right.

The net is very coarse. The poles to hold it are very good, so are the strings. The net istself looks like made of aluminium, stiff by the material, not by the tension of the strings. But since I wasn't there, I'm not able to say this was the case or not.

The poses of the ladies are excellent. No qualms about the winning red one. The blue one has an excellent pose too, we feel the motion. But - camera position and her position are so unfortunate that it appears that her right knee is almost at sand level, which cannot be, running at the speed she does.

What puts me off is the posing of the blue ladies hands. They are claws. Imagine how she will scratch your face if you don't behave. Running as she is, she would never pull up the hand the way she is. Her right hand looks almost like a spider. The left hand is better, but the posing of the fingers is also a bit problematic.

Looking at the red lady, the hands fit.The right hand pushed the ball, the left is almost relaxed. Small issues, but not to be discounted if you go for the ultimate reality.
08.08.2009 20:51 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

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Elegance in Motion  
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A World Upside Down


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