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On a Pedestal
On a Pedestal
Comments: 4

27.07.2024, 00:17

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Convoy 2
Convoy 2


Convoy 2
Description: Ship (Liberty WWII type) is modeled with Hexagon, sea is made with terrains, using Bryce-made heightmaps. 2D prework/postwork - GIMP. Actually one could say it's the very same sea as in my Bryce images ;)

To answer Rashad another question about Carrara vs Bryce at sea:
Carrara alone is not suited to make seascapes... Let's see:
1. Ocean Primitive thingy lack of basic controls, no wake, no spiky/asymmetric shape for the waves... Too simplistic to be useful.
2. Most popular method of making the sea is using displacement on the plane. unfortunately that can't be done in Carrara - BUG.
3. Terrain controlled by Bryce generated heightmaps, or vertex primitive made of object exported from Bryce - these work in Carrara (as they'd work in any other software)
For me it's Bryce that rule the waves.
So I tend to combine strengths of my programs to achieve good results: Bryce terrain editor with GIMP layers, Carrara renderer and Hexagon modeler.
WIP thread:

DAZ marketing hype made lots of people have big expectations of Carrara..
Added by: Popgriffon
Keywords: Sea, ocean, convoy, WWII, Liberty, ship, Carrara, Hexagon, Popgriffon
Date: 10.29.2008 13:07
Hits: 6401
Downloads: 161
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 171.2 KB
Next image: Owl Head

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 08.01.2008
Comments: 242

Wow great Job on your modeling

Question: is Hexagon confusing to use if your a first timer? or is it easier to use than 3dsmax?
10.29.2008 17:20 Offline archclan arch_devol at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

What can I say - you're a great modeller. Looks very real. It's just the water that bugs me a bit. Great waves, great colour, but looking somehow solid in the foreground. Perhaps it's just me.
10.29.2008 19:29 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 07.31.2008
Comments: 328

The scene is great! I like clouds ships and water, but as Horo mentioned water in foreground (under the head of a ship) looks to me a bit solid. I don't know how to evade this, ma be transparency, or alteration of sape of the wawes? Anyway it is realy, realy good work!
10.29.2008 22:10 Offline Alexandr sashama at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Amazing work Popgriffon and thanks for the further explaination!!!!!! 5/5

The water probably is lacking in transparency. I can imagine the water is not as deep as it is madeto appear.
10.29.2008 23:03 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 08.01.2008
Comments: 43

Intricately detailed model, all the way down to the crewmen. The texture work is handled very well as is the lighting and atmosphere. 5/5.
10.30.2008 00:01 Offline ecurbsemaj bbeilhar at

Join Date: 03.10.2005
Comments: 59

Thanks guys for your comments.
Indeed, there's something wrong with foreground water, I have some ideas how to deal with it - water shader is highly transparent - but it's only surface terrain, I'm going to add some stuff under it to make impression of "abyss". That Should do..

@archclan: Hexagon is specialized modeler, nothing more - there's no comparison with "almighty" 3DSmax ;) But Hex also has very user-friendly UI, non confusing at all - IF IT WORKS - as every DAZ software it has lot of bugs, and on every computer it manifests in different way - I'm lucky here - Hex works almost as advertised, but on some computers it's unusable. It's kinda lottery - you could either win your favorite modeling app (easy, handy, fast and powerful) - or waste your money on hopeless crap.. (checking the demo first is vital)
10.30.2008 17:03 Offline Popgriffon poplowicki at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

I couldn't pass such an entry, Popgriffon...
Impressive modeling, you have my full respect! Same goes for the ocean surface, I love it. I followed the wip process in the shots of the forum you pointed out. That's the spirit! Keep it up with your future projects.

If I had to mention some crit points, however, those would go to the texturing only. With the majestic size and detail that is on the ship, it needs to be just as good textured as it is modeled.
11.04.2008 12:27 Offline richter richter at

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