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Snow on Isle
Snow on Isle
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Rashad's question
Rashad's question


Rashad's question
Description: This image is to answer Rashad's questions about Bryce & sea.
Hope Rashad forgives me late reply, and you all find this post useful..

This is basic sea scene that I made some time ago, and use with different settings and actors. In this image no postwork or ships were used. On the right there's base wake - it's the place where ship is supposed to be placed.
1. I don't use procedural terrains, I baked a high-res terrain - Mordor generator, exported as image from Bryce, then in 2D editor (GIMP) I converted grayscale heightmap into tileable seamless pattern. Reimported back to Bryce's terrain editor (picture option in DTE). Resulting terrain is then multireplicated. Replication vector is slightly smaller than terrain dimensions - In this image I've used 20*20 multireplicated terrains. Closest seam starts some inch above low-left corner of the image, and continues diagonally to horizon at right. There's no way you can see the seams, but you can see its repetitiveness - it's main drawback.

2. Wake is just another layer in GIMP, it is blended before export with the main heightmap, and used with closest terrain only. Rotating the wake layer in GIMP must be done to turn wake in Bryce - that's most difficult part.

3. 400 terrains can make pretty big sea, but sometimes it's not enough. I took to GIMP the base heightmap, scaled it 10 times smaller, made it repetitive pattern. Resulting heightmap is the same size as base one, but has 10*10 pattern. In Bryce terrain like this must be 10 times bigger - it fit seamlessly to 10 base terrains, This one can be multireplicated as well...

4. Sometimes I use also "fourth stage" terrains - two or three, low resolution, but really gigantic to fill this remaining pixel. It doesnt have to be special pattern, just any noise will do. It's too far to show any seams, but it must be flattened noisy terrain - plane or infinite plane reflects light different way. All these terrains look somehow like Sierpinski fractal, High precision is required (numerical values keyboard input instead mouse actions for every scaling, positioning etc...) Resulting scene is big and Bryce slows down handling it, yet it doesn't crash.
Added by: Popgriffon
Keywords: Sea, Ocean, Bryce, GIMP, Popgriffon
Date: 10.11.2008 12:13
Hits: 7781
Downloads: 261
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 118.5 KB
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Wow! First off thanks much Popgriffon. I thought you had forgotten about the question so I am glad to see you have not. Making a terrain water surface stretch to the horizon in Bryce is a sure challenge, but a worthy one because terrain surfaces look amazing compared to flat topped planes and slabs. The process you used sounds exactly like what I would have done and indeed have been doing for the most part:

In the first scene the water does not extend to the horizon, but in the second image it does. The progression thru to the horizon looks okay to me in the second version. But in the third version I tried some different settings with the water and in this case introducing a really bad IBL light that was too strong, anyhow, I had a bit of a problem with the horizon so I was very curious how you handled the task. You are using alot more terrains that I would use. In a few cases I have created some very detailed terrain surfaces using "pocked" setting, it creates nice complex water surfaces with convincing breaks. Anyhow I would create maybe 10 different terrain images and resize and tile them in PSP, re-import them to Bryce on a terrain 4096x4096. Clearly a scene can only withstand a few terrains at this resolution but it makes the repeats almost impossible to observe. I feel your water always looks great and I appreciate you spelling it out for little old me. Thanks!

I would say that camera angle is also very important. If the camera is set high up in the air looking out you can see much farther making it difficult to sell the terrain water surface. At lower angles like above the horizon progression is much easier to make convincing. Every facet helps to understand.
10.11.2008 21:57 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 07.28.2004
Comments: 106

Thanks for sharing this.
It makes a convincing looking sea-scape.
Nice texture too, no post on that?
10.12.2008 15:42 Offline adrian adsl466849 at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Popgriffon already uploaded this water at my request a few months ago. It is in the material exchange.
10.12.2008 16:19 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 07.28.2004
Comments: 106

Sorry, missed that.
Thanks Rashadcarter1.
10.12.2008 16:23 Offline adrian adsl466849 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Thanks Popgriffon for sharing this with us. Quite elaborate seascape - looks very convincing.
10.12.2008 17:08 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 08.01.2008
Comments: 242

Thank you for sharing this one this will come in handy..
10.12.2008 17:28 Offline archclan arch_devol at

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