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Tools of the trade
Tools of the trade
Comments: 5

27.07.2024, 13:05

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Old Bridge
Old Bridge


Old Bridge
Description: Just a quickie as I test methods for stormy weather. The clouds were fun to do and relatively fast to render. Bryce made clouds, two layers of volumetric cloud planes. Some slight contrast enhancements were made to the clouds in post. Lighting is the same setup as most of my outdoor scenarios with skyklight via ibl and in this case a singlea radial for sunlight as the clouds themselves seem to soften their own shadows. I just placed the clouds very high up and at a very large scale to mimic real life distances and proportions for a new level of depth and real;ism in the sky. Placing the clouds and simply allowing them to cast shadows and hoped for an believeable overcast outdoor lighting feel. I think the result was sucessful but I will only know after some feedback, There is little haze here, to give that feeling I used to get as a kid when I thought a storm might hit and a tornado might hit, an eerie calmness to the atmosphere at ground level when clearly chaos is brewing just overhead, that seems to preceed something sinister. Above I do not think a killer storm is coming but the lack of haze makes me think of those odd moments so I offer it as a justification for the lack of haze. Sunlight is at an altitude 25 so we are beginning to approach evening.

Feedback is appreciated. Thanks all for your time, once again.
Added by: rashadcarter1
Keywords: Rashadcarter1, bryce6.1, Davidbrinnen
Date: 08.15.2008 06:07
Hits: 3850
Downloads: 69
Rating: 5.00 (4 Vote(s))
File size: 545.7 KB
Previous image: Mountains
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Not a typical 'Rashad' here. Nice setup. The bridge looks a bit on the bulky side, it could be finer, more elegant. But this is a quickie, nothing wrong then. The brook looks very nice, as do the trees. What I really like here are the rocks. They look real and the moss on them fits the place were the rocks are located, i.e. at a humid place. The ground is so o-la-la, but since this is a quickie, I won't dwell on that.

The sky. The clouds look real enough with their shape, colour and placement. Good job here, even a very good one. What is wrong is the way they are blurred, out of focus. If this were an HDRI photograph with fast moving clouds, it would be just the way they turn out after post production with a Gaussian filter to fuse the individual edges.

With the sun still 25 deg. up, I would expect more light on the ground. It is all a bit dark. What we see from the sky does not account for this dimness. From your description, there must be very dark clouds that cover the sun and a large part around it, all outside the view of the beholder. Perhaps at about 4 o'clock or so. The haze choice is a good one. I have the impression that the farthest hill is still quite near to the observer - a 10 minutes walk at most.

However, I do get the feeling of the "quiet before the storm". So you are on the right track.
08.15.2008 06:43 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at
Render Man

Join Date: 11.10.2007
Comments: 358

I was hoping you would do nature scene. The rocks were the first thing I noticed as they did not have the typical low poly look. The texture on the rocks is very nice. Like what you have done with the rocky moss that protrudes out of the landscape.

The clouds look very good and give the appearance that a big storm is on its way. This scene shows some blue space among the clouds and sometimes in this situation you would see shadows from the clouds on the ground but this is pending on the cloud cover.

I know it is cloudy day and getting towards evening but I would have liked just a tad bit more light on those lovely trees and textures.

The little creek or stream was very nicely done the way it winds through the landscape makes we want to be there. A deer in the distance or some other animal would have added some more interest but as you stated this was a quick scene. This is a great scene I would like to see it further developed now that you have the great clouds. Just add a Daz Model and it will be ready the the Bryce Gallery.
08.15.2008 11:14 Offline Render Man alreich_4 at

Join Date: 07.02.2005
Comments: 1010

Ok. I'm going to start from the top down instead of the ground up, 'cause I gotta be different. ;-)

The Clouds: Amazing!!
The Trees: Incredible!!
The Mountain: Stupendous!!
The Bridge: Magificent!!
The Rocks: Superb!!
The Grass: Splendid!!
The Water: ...Way Cool!! Ok. I ran out of one word adjectives. ;-)

Really, this is a marvelous....OH CRAP! I forgot that one....composition!!! 5/5
08.15.2008 15:21 Offline spektyr spektyr at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Thanks guys. This render turned out better than I expected.

I forgot to mention an important fact. The ground material is Davidbrinnen's, that is why it looks so good and handles the terrain and the stones so well. I love David's procedurals. I need to update the keywords to indicate David.


I am so glad you liked this scene as the lighting challenge made me nervous. The sun is indeed blocked completely. The sun is located smack dab in the middle of that large cloud on the right that blocks most of the sky. The only indication we have of the direct sunlight is from the clouds in the upper layer. So really all we have for light on the ground level is the indirect skylight from a sun that is only 25 degrees in altitude. This is where I feel the dimness comes in. I considered rendering the scene with the sun peaking through the cloud clearing on the left but I felt it would be cheating as this exercise was about the overcast situation primarily. The bridge was not modeled by me, I found it somewhere online. It is not used properly here. It would look less bulky if there was a person walking over the bridge, the scaling would make more sense. I am unsure about the cloud blurriness other than to assume that the quality setting may have been to high. At first I had the quality even higher and the clouds were even more blurry. More study is needed.


Thanks so much. As you may have noticed I tend to do lots of different types of scenes with Bryce. I agree that the rocks are nice. They are Bryce generated rocks that I carefully exported to TrueSpace and used the smooth quad divide tool to smooth the edges. I then had to triangulate them and re-import the stones into Bryce. I have about 12 stones saved in an object preset library with smoothness for these purposes. As mentioned above more light would have been great. Normally I would have made sure there was some direct sunlight visible as a clue to help us appreciate the indirect skylight. I tried to see if I could avoid that in this one scene. A deer or other animal would have been amazing. I made a scene a few years back called "A Bug and a Brook," I almost called this scene "Another Bug and a Brook," adding a bug of some sort and various flowers along the water. Bright colored flowers helped make the lower areas of the image appear brighter. But I felt I wanted to keep this image simple and distinct in my gallery. Speaking oif galleries I have submitted this render to the Daz gallereis. It is not absolutely necessary that there be a Daz model in the scene, but it never hurts, that is unless a human is used improperly. Let's see if the scene makes it into the galleries. The clouds will likely be enough but who knows how they make their choices. I have had scenes be rejected on one month and accepted the next time I submit the exact same scene. Timing is an issue also.
The lighting rig used in this scene is the same as the one I sent to you before. I promised to send you an updated one but I needed to test it out further, I did not forget what I promised. After this render I feel I can safely assume the light rig is flexible enough that I can send it to you, along with the clouds as they were written by me so I can share them with no problem.


Wow! Thanks I really appreciate such an enthusiastic review. Admittedly I have very little understanding of art in it's purest sense. 99% of what I do is an exploration of some technical aspect. Right now the technical considerations come to me before the artistic ones, and this is backwards. It happens to all of us at one point or anoither, that we receive homework that turns into great art. Art is often triggered by technical exploration. But it would be nice to have an artistic idea first and to have the learned techniques to accomplish the artistic goal. I have not reached that point yet, likely never will. So I really appreciate that you like the composition because I am working much harder on that aspect.

You guys are awesome, what can I say? Thanks alot!!!
08.15.2008 18:35 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Just to show you what I mean with blurriness of the clouds. This one has a photograph for clouds and it was the most violent storm I've seen in my short life. 2266 is another photograph, a few minutes later. I don't want to imply your clouds are impossible or unreal the way they are, I just haven't seen such yet. And thanks for the lighting update - at about 90 deg. then. Makes sense. It is like dusk if the sun is behind a large thick cloud - at least hereabouts.
08.15.2008 19:30 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Hmm. As usual Horo you are correct. What I am missing above are the micro details. Admittedly I need to rework the procedural to get a tad more complexity at small scales. There are some issues between volumetrics and ibl, they do not always get along. If the clouds do not have enough edge softness or fuzzy factor they begin to interact badly with the ibl light, at least when in basic shading mode as they are for the above render. It is a difficult error to describe but it kills. My best bet would be oddly strangely a lower the quality setting to introduce a bit of bandign to provide a sense of micro detail. Clouds in Bryce are fun but still far from truly photoreal.
08.15.2008 20:10 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 03.13.2007
Comments: 16

3 things i love here, Rocks Sky and Ground! Great job brother +5 :)
08.15.2008 20:57 Offline kounelos kounelos75 at

Join Date: 03.30.2007
Comments: 394

Very nice. I am trying to make a good landscape now. Everything in this picture looks amazing. My favorite is the river/water. 5/5
08.16.2008 01:07 Offline connorzelinsky connorz16 at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Most has been said here, Rash.. I just hope you'll make this one more detailed in places. You know what I mean. And.. man, "za men tezi oblaci sa strahotni", which stands for "to me these clouds are terrific"!!
08.17.2008 17:12 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Thanks Richter. I had not considered adding more things to the scene for fear that I was already getting a little full. Often you have noted me for cramming too many things into a scene so to break my usual cycle I stopped adding things and called it finished, perhaps prematurely. I have a;ready submitted it to the Daz Galleries so if it makes it in then I will not update the sceen further, but if it does not then there is still incentive to improve the image further for inclusion next month.
08.17.2008 20:35 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

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