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Trapped Dino
Trapped Dino
Comments: 2

26.07.2024, 23:33

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GI simm1
GI simm1


GI simm1
Description: For my GI attempt in Bryce I chose spheres instead of walls for the "bounced color" source. The light in the scene consist of one almost 180deg. flattened square spotlight resized to 1/2 of the room's width, positioned in the center, a constructed hemisphere of lights - an incarnation of David's lightrings - flat square spots were used instead of radials - one above the scene to provide the main light and one weaker behind the camera (last one not casting shadows) to simmulate the light coming from the opening. For the colored bouncing around the spheres I used modified versions of, again, lightrings rotated in the proper direction, with squared falloff and set to a suitable intensity of 1,2 or 3 (surface material/bump complexity dependent). The lightrings don't cast shadows either. Rendered in normal AA at this resolution, took almost 2 hours on my machine.

Now you see why I chose to experiment with spheres. Of course lightrings can be deformed if the shape of our model requires so. The GI with bouncing light off a wall will require me to set things different.. which for now is tricky for me to do. There's no postwork on the image as we want to see things directly from Bryce and not altered. I.e. the glow around my main light above is another sphere slightly stretched, fuzzy material applied with 100 ambience. Overall it's not much, good start I guess. It's up to you to tell. And thanks for the info about your GI x-periments, guys.
Added by: richter
Keywords: gi, simm1, simulation, richter, core
Date: 07.02.2008 18:26
Hits: 4523
Downloads: 88
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File size: 324.5 KB
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Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Nice work. I like your approach and the result looks natural in some ways. I am curious about a couple of things but I will wait until we get more feedback. When light strikes a surface it bounces light in all directions. A square spotlight will lense the light and will not allow a spread in all angles. In the way of the spheres I am sensing the color as too strong, I also thin the rings themselves are affecting the spheres which should not be,, the bouncing light should be directed away from the spheres and not towards them. the spheres have these sort of warm brightness around the equators. Is this from the spots?

Also Richter, there is a thread I am running on The DAz 3d Bryce forums called Phototrealsitic Lighting in Bryce How and Why. There is a large section about using True Ambience to achieve and effect similar to radiosity. At ths time when we are discussing GI is is noce to Know that the makers of Bryce did think of something. For the the TA results are unreliable as real because Ta takes some odd shortcuts and makes some odd assumptions, but no doubt that it could be potentially useful in many situations. Please read the thread it is kind of ling but very interesting and very informative. The plot thickens. Link below:

Jump tp page 4 or 5 or so and you will see the beginning og the TA discussion. Very important! Later.
07.02.2008 18:56 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

This is a very elaborate approach you've taken here and the result is very interesting. Using those soccer balls is a nice idea but it conceals how the light behaves on an evenly curved sphere. I have not that trained eye as Rashad so for me this looks quite convincing. The time to render appears prohibitive, though.
07.05.2008 09:23 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

Thanks, guys! I'm still experimenting, moving slowly in a certain direction :) Rashad, I could've postworked this img to hide away the equator light but... anyway. As I said I wanted it pure bryce. About the strong color - this room is lit by not so strong light source and I felt that it'll make a sense to have "more" saturated objects which logically will provide stronger and thus more visible light-bounce.

About the forum, yup, I got myself familiar with TA already.. but man, this forum's a "overheated plate" if you know what I'm saying. Still reading though.. trying to catch up.

Horo, the render time is prohibitive I admit. I have to "optimize" the lights further. Of course I can make my whole setup in Maya and post an image of "how-GI-shoud-look like" example, but that's not the case; I'm interested how far thigs will go in Bryce revealing its "hidden" features, one of them being TA.
07.08.2008 10:14 Offline richter richter at

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