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Crimson sunset
Crimson sunset
Comments: 3

27.07.2024, 14:38

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The Matrix Has You... in Carrara 5 pro
The Matrix Has You... in Carrara 5 pro


The Matrix Has You... in Carrara 5 pro
Description: Essentially the same object setup as the Bryce render. The second time around it was a bit easier to build the scene. Spent about 3 hours just fiddling with the lighting which consists of the glowing material of the bulb, a smidgen of global illumination from the sky and a bit of caustics withing the light well of the sink. A bit of light also got trapped behind the tap in the middle, but I have not figured out how to ammend that... oh, and yes, there are two cold taps - oops. Render time 25 mins, which is 10 mins swifter than Bryce. Not really possible to compair build times because I know what I'm doing in Bryce and in Carrara I'm just making things up as I go along.
Added by: davidbrinnen
Keywords: davidbrinnen, carrara, 5, pro, wings3D, matrix, sink
Date: 07.17.2007 22:39
Hits: 3706
Downloads: 72
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 163.3 KB
Previous image: Drains are still blocked it seems... carrara 5 pro

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05.18.2007
Comments: 130

Not even close. The lightbulb doesn't look nearly as good, however the relfections seem much more realistic. I liked the way the lighthit the water on the other scene as well. Although I guess you have to factor in that you are much more experienced in Bryce than you are in Carrara.
07.17.2007 23:54 Offline icecreamman jtemple032 at

Join Date: 12.21.2006
Comments: 667

I think that you should have placed a spiral inside the bulb and made that glow instead. I don't think you should have used the sky light at all, that just gives it lighting that shouldn't be there, also because it is photons that you used you should build 4 sides for the walls and ceiling basically the whole room, and caustics should be cranked up a bit, and water should have no color.

As for the water waves, you can use a simple 2D plane, then in properties add a wave modifier. Also, the water could use about 92 trasp value, I don't know if it is,.
07.18.2007 01:24 Offline gat brshkv at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Hmm, it's hard to say. You are an interesting artist to observe during this experiment because you have so much understanding of what you are doing. In bryce you have mastered every challenge you have set out to overcome. In Carrara you are using the knowledge gained from Bryce to go the next step in realism and to do so more quickly. To me this image is amazing and yes it could be better, but still we can see that your bryce experience is helping you now in Carrara. That alone is great news! Oh yeah, it's also a grand 5/5.
07.18.2007 02:58 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

The light bulp is very weak, the bulb holder got much too much light. The tiles are nice but too smooth, like mirrors. We would expect distortions as we see on the Bryce render. The water is wrong - not only the colour (or have you cleaned a blue paintbrush in it?), the ripples are wrong, too. Of course, you are new to Carrera and are making great progress. Nice job on cleaning and polishing the sink ...
07.18.2007 06:22 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Thanks for the critique. I can see I've got my work cut out for me. So tiles... I'll try and figure out how to make them a bit bumpy - that shouldn't be too tricky... the bulb, aye, I'll fit a fillament and light that instead of the glass. To me the taps look a little dull, so I guess I'll give them a bit of a shine. I had considered building a box around the scene to catch some light but was lured into adding another global lighting effect (so many options). But I will give that a go. The water is an issue, my main problem is that it does not appear the same under when rendered with the lighting effects as it does when lit with a simple light - so it's kinda tricky to set up. I will try and figure out where the blue stain is from, I was working with a preset and was mostly concerned with the transparency since the caustics were trapping too much light in the bowl and it was lighting up like the bulb first time around. Interesting effect, but it looked a bit odd. I'll ponder the some more.
07.18.2007 08:31 Offline davidbrinnen mail at
tina gazcon

Join Date: 08.07.2006
Comments: 254

I would agree about the lightbulb. The tiles look a bit better than the last being that they are not so shiney. I'm with Horo about the distortions needed on the tiles though. I also agree with Horo about the water. The other render is so beautiful and real looking. The faucets almost look like hematite in this one. Maybe its just the lighting you used. Keep up the good work David. You are very inspirational!
07.18.2007 13:01 Offline tina gazcon pecasg62 at

Join Date: 12.21.2006
Comments: 667

The stains are from caustics and radiosity, its for more realism. If you put a red object next to a white object you will see that the white object will have red on it from the red object. And some white light from the white object on the red one.
07.18.2007 16:44 Offline gat brshkv at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Yes, Tina, as far as I know caustics are transparency functions. In bryce they come down to being the colored shadows of a transparent object like a blue crystal casting a blue tinted "shadow" onto a table. Caustics are effects for very close distances like a crystal on a table. Radiosity is a function of light actually bouncing off of one object onto another. This can be an up close or distance effect, as Carrara has global radiosity. Bryce cannot produce the effect of radiosity! That's why we use secondary lights to fake the bouncing. The ambient channel is a cheap substitute for that "bounced" light. The only way to come close to this effect in bryce is to use reflection to copy the image and therfore the colored light of one object onto another. Reflection is a very powerful tool in bryce though costly to calculate. With blurred reflections and premium AA it looks almost identical to radiosity, but things can appear to be slightly moist or wet. So even still, the effect cannot be produced in bryce.
True ambience was bryce's original answer to the radiosity issue and some people have made extraordinary progress using it. But like all things ambient it requires that you yourself estimate initial values. The less human estimation the better since humans are moody and often change their minds about what looks "right."

David, please submit both of these versions to the Daz galleries. It is already good enought to make it into the Carrara gallery, and of course you are no stranger to the bryce gallery. It would be nice for all to see how the two images look rendered in the two different programs.
07.18.2007 18:55 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Thanks Rashad, I didn't feel my carrara skills were up to scratch, but I am encoraged by what you say and chance my arm in the carrara galleries. I've noticed a preponderance of potrate work in the DAZ galleries which does not really favour my style of artwork so I always feel lucky to have got in a particular image. Given the extra options (subsurface light scatter I'm thinking of mainly) I might have a go at skin, I've never been too fond of the results of figure work in Bryce because I don't seem to be able to get away from the "corps like" complexion of my models.
07.18.2007 19:52 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Yes, I too have experienced wooden corpses in bryce. Just Hangin' Out was one example. Subsurface scattering is a great tool, but not always necessary. One of the images used to sell Carrara is of a baby in the womb as if a bright light and a camera were placed inside the womb. The baby is so delicate it is almost transparent, with a reddish glow. I can just picture it now. The subsurface scattering causes the baby to glow in a unique and natural sort of way. I have never attempted such a thing in bryce though bryce can already do sub-surface scattering to a limited degree. Carrara just got that ability and was behind bryce in that aspect until recently. The leaf transparency technique we've been using is based upon subsurface scattering techniques. But subsurface scattering is not enough on it's own. It wants GI and other things to make it really look good, so enter Carrara with the other lighting effects and now we are getting somewhere.

Curious, have you ever played around with Maya or 3ds Max? It seems like only a matter of time before you will be forced to learn and to use them due to the limitations of all other softwares compared to those two in particular. They are the ones used by the big studios and trully no lie professional apps. Their user interfaces are alot like Carrara's.
07.19.2007 03:24 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 12.21.2006
Comments: 667

If you will play with SSS don't forget to turn on light through transparency in the render options, and in the photon area too.

I would say 3DS Max and Vray or Brazil would be my top picks, too bad they cost so much :D
07.19.2007 04:39 Offline gat brshkv at

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Drains are still blocked it seems... carrara 5 pro  
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