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Island with surf another way3
Island with surf another way3
Comments: 6

15.05.2024, 06:09

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City of Strah (revisited)
City of Strah (revisited)


City of Strah (revisited)
Description: As my tendency goes - old works in a new light. The differences are: the light dome is now more browny and cold, instead of pink-nuanced. The ground texture is with maxed (100) value for bump so the rock formations may have more natural look. The sky stays untouched, though there's a planet added, directly in-Bryce. The problem was in the clouds which cast shadows on the terrain, including the planet. This is why I had to re-render the area where the planet is seen without the shadows over. It is a bit strange for clouds that cover both the "worlds" but I think it looks nice here. Also, the img was intentionally rendered 9rays/pixel (in original resolution 1600x600). This way the land have a bit raw, dusty look. To improve the effect even further, in photoshop I made almost 100% transparent layer with slight noise in it. The city lights and the cables were the final steps in postworking this image.
Added by: richter
Keywords: city, strah, richter, core, revisited
Date: 12.22.2006 23:07
Hits: 3666
Downloads: 130
Rating: 5.00 (5 Vote(s))
File size: 480.9 KB
Previous image: Sancturary 2

Author: Comment:
tina gazcon

Join Date: 08.07.2006
Comments: 254

This is totally awesome! I love everything about this scene. You have a great imagination. I like how you rouned the landscape. It looks so real. I can really appreciate the work that goes into the works you all do. Wow! It's great!
12.22.2006 23:32 Offline tina gazcon pecasg62 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Excellent effect with the glowing city lights. In some ways I would rather see old works with new lighting, it shows how much of the impact of the image is reliant on the quality of the lighting and how radically the mood of the piece can be altered by subtle shifts in colour. This piece seems to lend itself to the slightly distorted panoramic you have created presumably by tilting the camera. I would like to know how you got the lights to look like they are glowing so effectively (postwork or hard work in the mat editor?). Really, I can't not award this piece top marks. I confess I don't really like the sky, the cloud pattern seems a little bit too high frequency, but that's more to do with my own tastes for such rather than any belief that it does not suit this image. 5/5
12.22.2006 23:55 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Richter, I too tend to go back and apply new ideas to old scenes. David is right, the impact of lighting is never more pronounced than in these re-do type situations. Like David, I want a bit more explanation about those city lights. It seems to me that it could have been done as a material choice in bryce, but from your description I get the feeling you drew each of those lights individually in post production. If you drew them in, they are most impressive. They seem very 3d.

The sky is a unique creation that is very well chosen for this scene. The sky is the colorful element of this scene, without it this world would be rather gray. It's curious, but I could imagine using a similar texture to represent white sediment on a table surface where soapy water may have dried.

I have not the guts for a panoramic view, as you ahve made it look so easy and it is very effective.

Yes, it is another fiver for you. Love the dead guy in the front. Very interesting scaling choices. 5/5
12.24.2006 01:36 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Outstanding. I like the clouds, making everything look so surealistic. I perceive the shadows from the clouds on the planet as continents. This picture does not show a happy place, it is superbly done, though. Yes, I think you tilted the camera to get that sinusoidal appearance of the panorama. I would never have attempted such for a real scene but it looks extraordinary and understrikes the strangeness of this place. Everything fits. Yup - a fiver from us, too.
12.24.2006 09:27 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 11.08.2006
Comments: 14

I love this scene,
Which Planet exactly? cause as soon as i get my space ship back from the impound yard i'm going to visit (I think I knew the dead guy) 5/5 Yeah - I agree with every thing commented above, especialy "explain the city lights" (please?)
12.26.2006 18:02 Offline a_rat just_a_rat at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092

I never expected this much attention at Christmas. Thank You guys!! And Merry Christmas to All of you out there!

Well, this was "Colony Series - New World" reworked. The both renders are an equal match in size and virtual space, so you can switch between and have even better look on "what's-new" (though I'm sure you've already done that).
To begin from the title - "Strah" in bulgarian means "Fear". a_rat, the far reddish planet is Mars (the texture I used here), the one this city belongst to still has no name :)
Ok, lights. I'm going to write all about them in separate field for better view.
12.27.2006 11:33 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092
City Lights

In Photoshop I started with creating new white-backgrounded file with the size of my rendering. Then Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise. Here I entered 30% Monochrome Gaussian noise (you can experiment with different percentage). Now there's a fair amount of noise, waiting to be transformed in "Lights". Again I'm using the filters: Filter -> Sketch -> Water Paper. Experiment freely with the Fiber Lenght and Brightness options, but make sure that the contrast option is fully at 100%. This way only the white points (lights) will be visible in your work area. The next step is to apply those "light-points" to the bryce rendering. Grab the Magic Tool and click somewhere on the already black background, then right-click and Select Inverse. Now all the points we want to work with are selected. Copy this layer to the bryce render and the city lights are almost done. With the Eraser Tool (opacity & flow 100%) clean up the area where you do NOT want your lights to appear, leaving the rest over the buildings, etc. The final step: right-click on the layer with the white-light-points and go to Blending Options. The only thing needed is the Outer Glow option. Choose a color you prefer your city lights to Glow with and now adjust the Opacity and Range options (for a start: 68%=Opacity, 50%=Range). Both have a great control over the way your Lights will finally look like.

It could be a bit tricky to get it right the first time, that's why I'm preparing an *.html version with screens of the actual workflow. I'll post the link here in the next few days. For users of Gimp, Paint Shop Pro and other paint packages, you'll need to find a similar effects to achieve the above results. Thank you for reading, I hope the info was usefull and will help you improve your images when postwork is really needed. Remember to get the maximum from your work while still in 3D before jumping into postproduction.
12.27.2006 11:38 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 06.04.2006
Comments: 2610

Wow Richter. The process sounds simple enough. The fact that you thought of it is very impressive. Those lights turned out very very well. Great work. And thank you indeed for the detailed explaination. Look forward to the upcoming links.
12.28.2006 06:31 Offline rashadcarter1 rashadcarter1 at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

"Simple enough"? Really? Sounds kinda complicated to me. I think I would rather try for something in the mat than struggle with all that post production. Never the less, the effect is very good, and certainly worth the effort involved. I think though, to grasp it, I'd need to see some kind of diargram. Thanks for the explination anyhow, it looks like Rashad has grasped it - even if I have not.
12.29.2006 16:04 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 04.15.2004
Comments: 1092
Tutorial on-line!

Right after I completed my last project I took care of this tutorial too. Here is your link, have fun!
01.19.2007 19:50 Offline richter richter at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Ah! Thanks. It makes far more sense to me now I've seen it in picutres! Excellent technique - just can't get over how convincing it is!
02.02.2007 21:37 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

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