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Comments: 4

27.07.2024, 13:37

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Description: Good news fellow Brycers, Bryce5.5 is now available from [link]! This image was rendered in 5.5 (of course), the Eagle is a DAZ model and I used my additional lighting tricks again... but don't worry about that, go and look at DAZ's website!
Added by: davidbrinnen
Keywords: Davidbrinnen, daz3d, bryce5.5, bryce5, bryce
Date: 04.29.2005 09:02
Hits: 6973
Downloads: 166
Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 413.0 KB
Previous image: Bryce5.5 image with light dome
Next image: Sun for Horo

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721

Got the email from DAZ already that 5.5 is available. Very nice picture. Due to the camera angle, the trees look a bit funny. Interesting foreground. Those ?heads? were put on the terrain separately, I take it. The eagle, I would think it glides, but then, the wings should be horizontal or even point a bit down. Background and sky look very real.
04.29.2005 09:57 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Yes, I had issues with the tree size, but they asked for the trees to be this size because of something to do with viewing distances of packaging on shelves. I have some of my own variations to tinker with, to my eyes the colours look unrealisticly garish, but if you track down photo's of Bryce Canyon on google images, you will find that actually, it really is as bright and weird and "unreal" as anywhere you might imagine. The "heads" are lattices based on a feature called Thors Hammer, just icing on the general canyon terrain stragey we put in the tutorial. Don't know anything much about eagles, I just slapped in the model I was given and hoped for the best - tried to position it so that it was compositionally correct if not aerodynamically!
04.29.2005 12:15 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 12.11.2003
Comments: 451

How did u get ur image to be on the cover of the box? :)
04.29.2005 18:15 Offline Nightst4r nightst4r at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

IMO, it looks the same as its predacessor, i mean the quality. for me i think It could easily pass as bryce5, But maybe the true power is in the render speed lowerd by 30% is alot but is that worth an extra 70 bucks, Im not so sure. True, I like your image. Im just saying from the pics of the bryce5.5 task bars and ect it look sthe EXACT same, am i missing sumthing here. I dunno. Anyways back to the image. Im gonna say the eagle is just fine. the best part of this image id say is that you see the colorfull mountain side right there then to my amazment you continued it ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK of the image which amazingly blew my mind amazing detail here dave. Tell me in your honost opinion. is 5.5 worth the extra 70 bucks
04.29.2005 20:22 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721
Trust him

Jesuis, trust David. I'm currently downloading 5.5. I've never been disappointed of David recommandations.
04.29.2005 21:17 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

I trust him, I just want to know why its worth 70 bucks When I could Get a ice chunk of ram and vamp up Bryce5.5 I dont get whats better about it some one please clue me in
04.29.2005 22:01 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 05.07.2004
Comments: 242
Echoing Horo's Remark

This looks like great software. On first look, I thought that it was not much different from Bryce 5.1, but I trust David. Does bryce 5.5 have an Isometric renderer? This would really help me on some of my images... and also be the selling point for me.
04.29.2005 22:51 Offline LitoNico LitoNico at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

No solid Answer's. Ill will wait Until That Time.
04.29.2005 22:52 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 12.27.2003
Comments: 80
The Cover

Oh, sun of a bit*h(I mean this in a good way). How???How indeed is this image on the cover? Are you actually part of the Bryce5 team or something?
04.30.2005 16:47 Offline boen_robot boen_robot at 148058941

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721
The First are the Last ...

... as a saying goes. Downloading 5.5, installing it, burning CDs, trying out, crashing, reporting bug, fetching update, re-installing, testing, closing bug report, throwing away CD and burning new ones: all within 18 hours.

Lightning 2 is cool. You can set up the main machine as a client as well, adding it to your network render bank. Unfortunately, the overall progress is still not displayed.

It IS in many ways an improvement and worth the bucks. And seeing all those beautiful pictures by David we all know from here when installing is a pleasure. Hey, give yourself a kick, the bug's fixed.
04.30.2005 17:07 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 04.08.2005
Comments: 197
Land as far as the eye can see

I love the the cliffs and the trees.
04.30.2005 18:30 Offline FoxBoy Schlechter_Fuchs at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163

Wowie I just spent 80 bucks on bryce5.5 and when I start It up and click on the new DAZ button It loads it up and says Critical error Program will now terminate. Ive installed it a many o times does the same thing every time. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
05.01.2005 04:25 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 05.03.2004
Comments: 28
Try Before you buy

Well i just some hacked copy of version 5, I think they need a trial of 5.5
05.01.2005 09:25 Offline tcw295 tylerisit at

Join Date: 05.07.2004
Comments: 242

I am dissapointed by 5.5. there is no large difference in render time (in some cases it's actually slower!). there is no way to transfer user materials to 5.5, and the large amout of presets discourage making your own materials from scratch. I hope for more revolutionary renovations for Bryce 6. The biggest thing I am missing is the funny comments on materials and imported objects. they do have some on the new volumetric materials. Still, I am pleased I bought it. The improvements are enough to deserve the 70 dollars I spent.
05.01.2005 15:50 Offline LitoNico LitoNico at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721
User Mats

Yes, you still can, LitoNico. Just do it as you did in 5.01. Copy your ?User? folder (or what name(s) you've given them) in the ?Presets\Materials? folder. I like that they made a bit of order. The funny or helpful descriptions for the mats come from the authors of these mats. Some cared, some didn'tt (David did).
The skies presets is still a mess. No order at all, just as before, but about double the quantity, not necessarily also double quality. The new ones start at the top (with the first 6 by David), most of the old ones are at the end. It is very tedious to import your own presets and the old ones you don't want to miss. If you're not looking very closely, you end up having some presets double
Finally, OpenGL makes everything to a crawl. Got to switch it off. As a Platinum Club member at DAZ I was charged a little less then 45 $, we'll see whether the investment finally proves worthwhile.
05.01.2005 18:22 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

The trauma of not having any internet connection over the weekend - leaves me once again in the position of echoing Horo's words. In actual fact, Horo is more up to date than I am because I'm still using the 5.5 beta software - it takes me about a week to download the next revision FTP - so you can maybe image how much fun being a beta tester is for me? Anyway, I too turned the openGL suppport off (I tried it once and decided I needed a faster machine) it does get there in the end but by then you might as well have done some test renders. Mats can be transftered by exporting or by the method Horo outlined (which is better because exporting/importing can randomise some of the parameters). I had a go at them about the sky presets, they said they would leave that revision for B6 - needs something like the material editor. Bugs and crashes... well, there have been a few that I found which they fixed, so the thing to do if it does not work is to get hold of DAZ and give them a roasting - no doubt there will be patches, there always is these days. Value for money? That rather depends on a) where you are in the world and b) what features you use - for me here in the UK the cost is the equilivalant of a tank of desil for my car - the best feature for me would be the integration of DAZ/studio to import models and sort out the mats - exporting via poser and then tinering the mats... tedious. Isometric rendering... I just pulled back the camera to the horizon and used maximum zoom - like you say it would be neat, but no. Image on box - DAZ saw the Derbyshire in the Snow, like that and asked me if I'd ever done Bryce Canyon, I said no, they sent me some pics and I had a go. No, but I don't work for DAZ - I work for me and the tax man and our noble Labour Government. So 5.5 on balance, more stable on my machine, 2x faster at the render if left to it's own devices, some new models to play with and mats, some new skies, DAZ/studio and most importantly a stake in the furture of bryce. I don't go in for pirate software, I know not everyone has that luxury, but if you buy it legitimately you have the right to pester DAZ into sorting out the rest of the bugs! I just keep telling them they need to get hold of the lighting model from terragen.
05.02.2005 08:20 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721
Reporting Bugs

Everyone is encouraged by DAZ to open an account for bug reporting. That's almost as it is on open source projects. This shows that DAZ takes you seriously. And yes, the bug was removed within a few hours after reporting - and on a weekend. In fact, the bug was known and fixed already, only the wrong source file was compiled.
05.02.2005 15:05 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721
Bryce 5.5 Talk Forum

I opened a new thread under the ?Bryce Talk? forum. I think, the forum is a better place than here.
05.02.2005 16:05 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

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Bryce5.5 image with light dome  
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Sun for Horo


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